Every day, you should brush your teeth at least twice, floss at least one time, and pay attention to how much sugar you consume. Are you effectively keeping up with these obligations? If you are, you can feel confident that your smile is healthy. This is certainly important, but it is also important to keep up with regular dental exams, even if you are sure your teeth and gums are in great condition. At regular appointments with your Seattle, WA dentist’s office, you receive significant oral health support. Every visit consists of a careful study of your teeth, and a routine professional cleaning. Over time, regular access to preventive care will keep you updated about your smile, warn you of possible problems, and ensure that issues with tooth decay and gum disease do not go unnoticed.
Providing A Careful Review And Cleaning Of Your Teeth
Every routine visit is focused on both evaluating your smile, and giving you a thorough teeth cleaning. The cleaning removes all harmful agents from your teeth. This means clearing away plaque and food debris, harmful agents that you regularly remove when you brush and floss. A professional cleaning also leads to the removal of tartar. Tartar is particularly troublesome because you are NOT able to remove deposits of this substance by yourself. While you can keep your smile free of tartar by preventing its formation, a professional treatment is necessary for removing deposits that are present.
During your evaluation, your dentist is checking for any signs that suggest you might need restorative dental work. Even a small cavity is something that calls for professional care. When these problems are caught in their earliest stages, the treatment you require is minimized, and more of your healthy tooth structure is saved.
A Scaling And Root Planing Can Help Your Gums
For people who show signs of gingivitis, access to a scaling and root planing can be important. This service directly attacks the oral bacteria that have gathered below your gum line. This is an area that is not cleaned under normal circumstances, but treatment can be beneficial if you are dealing with the effects of a periodontal infection. By providing a scaling and root planing, your dentist can stop your condition before it worsens, and becomes more difficult to manage.
We Can Restore Your Smile When A Cavity Is Found
If a cavity is found, your dentist can speak to you about the recommended treatment. If you are making regular trips to see your dentist, a small cavity can be discovered, and you can be fully protected with a dental filling. What happens if you are not attending regular exams, and only show up because you think something might be wrong? You could have an advanced cavity, and be in need of a root canal treatment and dental crown.
Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Provide Important Care At Regular Appointments
Hygge Laser Dentistry is proud to make quality dental care available to patients in and around Seattle, WA! To find out more, or to make your appointment, you can reach our practice by calling 206-789-2555!