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Should You Make An Appointment To Talk About Invisalign?

Dental alignment concerns can be frustrating because you can worry that your only solution is to have metal braces placed on your teeth. This is certainly an effective answer to problems with crooked teeth, and one that can also improve your oral health. With that said, the idea of metal braces can be distressing to some people, particularly adults who worry that these appliances while make them look awkward, or less professional. Fortunately, you can discuss Invisalign aligners with your Seattle, WA dentist! By using Invisalign to correct your crooked teeth, you can see great results without having to wear conspicuous braces.

Improving Your Smile With Invisalign Aligners

Your Invisalign aligners are custom-made to provide valuable orthodontic improvements. You can straighten teeth that overlap, are spaced too far apart, or are otherwise out of place. At the end of your treatment, you can be delighted by how your smile now looks significantly more attractive. Straightening your teeth also offers certain oral health benefits. For instance, you can have an easier time preventing cavities after orthodontic work. This is because you no longer have to worry about overlapping teeth, which can be harder to effectively clean.

Enjoying A More Convenient Orthodontic Treatment

Invisalign aligners are made to make the orthodontic treatment experience easier for patients. Instead of having bracket-and-wire braces permanently set on your teeth until you are done with your adjustment, you receive a series of aligners that are easy to remove. When they are in place, they blend in well enough to avoid detection. When they might be in your way, you can find that they are easily taken out.

Reviewing Your Different Options For Showing Off Your Best Smile

Your dentist is ready to help you tackle a range of different problems with your oral health and appearance. Straightening your teeth is one way to improve both your smile, and your dental well-being. If you have a problem with teeth that are undersized or weak, you can talk to your dentist about supporting them with dental crowns. In addition to helping you improve your biting and chewing function, this can make you more confident in your appearance, as modern crowns can make these teeth appear more attractive.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Invisalign

Invsialign aligners can lead to great smile improvements, as well as benefits for your oral health! At Hygge Laser Dentistry, you can discuss this orthodontic procedure, and find out more about what to expect from your adjustment. You can also learn about our full range of impressive services, and how they can help you show off your best smile! To learn more about what we can do for you and your smile, you can reach Hygge Laser Dentistry by calling 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.