serving ballard since 1974

We Offer Smart Solutions For These Common Cosmetic Concerns

Feeling confident in your smile does more than just affect how you feel about having your picture taken. A person’s smile can be one of their most recognizable features; being happy with your smile can make it easier for you to greet a new person, laugh at a joke, and comfortably socialize with others. While people can have drastically different smiles, there are a few common cosmetic issues that tend to make people self-conscious about their teeth. If you have any discomfort with your appearance due to issues like dental discoloration, damage, or because of teeth that just seem out of place, tell your Seattle, WA dentist. With the right cosmetic dental procedure, you can make a big change to the way you look!

Addressing Your Concerns About Dental Discoloration

The unfortunate truth about teeth stains is that they can be hard to address, and – because so many popular items can leave them – they can be hard to avoid. You might have an accumulation of stains because of coffee, tea, or any other familiar beverage. You can see tough stains removed when you have a professional whitening treatment. If you have issues with dental discoloration that are associated with something other than stains, an alternative cosmetic treatment can be discussed.

Making Flawed Teeth Look Healthier, And More Attractive

Flaws with teeth can be connected to their shape, their size, or any damage that they may have incurred. Porcelain veneers can make your teeth look remarkably more attractive by covering up these different concerns. Your veneers will be custom-made for your smile, with their design based on the shape and size of your teeth, as well as your goals for improvement. If you want to correct issues with misshapen, poorly sized, or damaged teeth without using a restoration, you can also talk to your dentist about bonding and contouring.

Addressing Problems With The Alignment Of Your Teeth

Malocclusion can make your smile seem unbalanced, unhealthy, and just less attractive. If you are ready to do something about poor dental alignment, you can talk with your dentist about using Invisalign as a discreet orthodontic treatment. Invisalign aligners move your teeth gradually, as you switch from one appliance to the next. Once this work is complete, you can be amazed at how much better your smile looks!

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Smile Concerns

Hygge Laser Dentistry is ready to help you show off great smile improvements! Our practice offers many different cosmetic procedures, and we can help you select the right procedure for your needs. If you have questions about cosmetic care, or any other matter that concerns your smile, you can reach Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA by calling 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.