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3 Tips To Help You Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy

Protecting your child from harm means keeping them safe, and keeping them healthy. If you want to make sure that they keep healthy, attractive teeth, it is important to help them understand the importance of dental care at an early age. Fortunately, this is an aspect of child care where you have an important ally – during every pediatric dental evaluation, your dentist can provide guidance in addition to traditional preventive care. That means that during an appointment, your child can be instructed on how to practice effective care at home, and they can learn what might happen if their teeth are not healthy. In between appointments, you can help them further protect their teeth with effective support.

1. Check In On Them When They Start Brushing And Flossing Their Own Teeth

Once they are old enough to start brushing and flossing their teeth on their own, you should feel confident that your child knows that these practices are important, and that they keep them safe from serious problems. With that said, it can be smart to check in on your kids as they clean their teeth, particularly when they first start to do it on their own. To offer further guidance, you can join them and brush and floss your own teeth, so that you can model good habits.

2. Be Careful About How Much Sugar They Consume

As you prepare meals and snacks for your kids, think about how much sugar they have access to. If you are not watching their intake of soft drinks, candy, and other items, they can have a higher cavity risk. That means that even with good oral hygiene habits, they can be at risk for needing restorative dental care. While you can have less control over what snacks and treats they enjoy at school, you can make sure everyone in your household is enjoying healthy, low-sugar meals.

3. Make Sure They Attend Regular Pediatric Checkups!

Simply put, if you want to make sure your child’s teeth are healthy, bring them to see their dentist for care. Kids and adults receive important help with their ongoing preventive dental care efforts at every routine dental exam. While your own visits are focused more on traditional cleanings and evaluations, kids also receive instructions, and lessons about their smile health.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Protecting Your Child’s Smile

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients of all ages in and around the Seattle, WA area receive great dental care! Our practice can make sure that everyone in your family can show off healthy teeth. If you have a young child who needs to start dental care, if you need to find a new dentist for your kids in the area, or if you need to set up your own appointment, let us know! You can contact Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA by calling 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.