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Should You Pay More Attention To Your Periodontal Health?

Are you particularly interested in keeping all of your teeth throughout your adult life? It seems pretty likely that anyone reading will answer that question with a definite “yes,” but what you might not realize is that your daily oral care habits are leaving you more vulnerable to tooth loss than you might suspect. The leading reason people lose teeth as adults has to do with complications related to advanced gum disease. While gingivitis, the early stage of a periodontal infection, can be fully addressed, a more severe infection can be difficult to manage, and cause many problems for you over time. Fortunately, your Seattle, WA dentist can talk to you about how to protect your gums at home. Our practice can also offer important preventive support, including direct support in the form of a scaling and root planing!

Gum Disease Can Become A Big Problem

At the early stage of a periodontal infection, a person can experience gingivitis. They may notice changes to their periodontal tissues – their gums might swell, or redden, and they may be prone to bleeding. Over time, they may even notice that their gum line is receding. If you have noticed those symptoms, and you took action, you can be relieved to have addressed the matter. However, if your problem is not addressed, you can allow your condition to progress to periodontitis. While the effects of this condition can be managed, it can become a persistent oral health problem that you have to contend with.

Addressing Periodontal Problems Directly With A Scaling And Root Planing

If you show signs of gingivitis, your dentist can help by providing you with a scaling and root planing. This is a form of dental cleaning that goes beyond the routine sort of treatment you receive during a dental exam. This procedure fights bacteria below your gum line, so that your infection can be directly managed. This is a more involved process, and it can take longer than a standard preventive appointment.

Regular Exams Keep You Informed About Your Smile

Are you dealing with gum disease right now? Could you have a cavity and not realize it? It can be difficult to properly manage your oral health if you are not attending regular dental exams! At every visit, your dentist is checking for any signs of trouble that might demand some professional care. When it comes to gum disease, that can mean arranging a scaling and root planing. When it comes to tooth decay, that might mean the placement of a dental filling, or even a dental crown.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Periodontal Health

Talk to Hygge Laser Dentistry if you have concerns about your periodontal health. Our practice can arrange a scaling and root planing, which can directly address the bacteria below your gum line! This procedure can keep you safe against the potentially serious issues associated with unchecked periodontal problems. To find out more about how you can enjoy quality dental and periodontal care, contact Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA at 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.