serving ballard since 1974

Do You Need To Start Worrying About Dental Wear And Tear?

A tooth is no stranger to friction – every time you use your teeth to bite and chew, you put demands on your enamel that can take a toll over time. With that said, you should not be TOO alarmed at this idea. Dental enamel is a remarkably strong material, and capable of holding up against considerable pressure. However, some people do start to see changes over time in the shape of their teeth. If this is making you unhappy with your smile, your Seattle, WA dentist’s office can discuss corrections through cosmetic dental work. It should be noted that if you have a problem with teeth grinding, you can start to see signs of wear and tear at a surprising rate. If the problem is not caught and treated in time, you can also experience more serious harm!

Friction From Biting, Chewing, And Teeth Grinding Can Affect Your Teeth

Friction occurs whenever you bite and chew your food. While the effect on your smile can be minimal, some gradual changes over time might become difficult to ignore. If you want to limit how much harm your teeth experience, keep up with smart daily care, and avoid harmful foods and drinks that can weaken your enamel. While people often assume that sugary products are the only threat to their smile, you should know that acidic products can pose problems for you, too.

Too Much Wear And Tear Can Weaken Your Teeth, And Hurt Your Smile

If you grind your teeth at night – a condition known as bruxism – you do face the threat of serious damage. The wear and tear created by teeth grinding can do notable damage to your smile. This goes beyond the kind of wear and tear you might worry about under normal circumstances. With too much pressure, it is possible for teeth to chip and crack! At this point, you may need dental crowns for those teeth that have been harmed.

We Can Help You Protect And Improve Your Smile!

Our practice can examine your teeth, and talk to you about possible corrections, if you are bothered by wear and tear. You can make your teeth look healthier and younger by having porcelain veneers placed. Veneers are custom-made, and they can hide any flaws that you feel hurt your appearance. During your appointment, your dentist can also check to see if wear and tear has become serious enough to call for restorative dental work. Because modern materials are available to restore teeth without changing your appearance, your dental treatment can still lead to the kind of cosmetic improvements you want!

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Dental Wear And Tear

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are ready to help you deal with problems connected to dental wear and tear. In addition to offering cosmetic work to hide flaws, we can talk to you if treatment might be called for to protect your teeth from further trouble. To find out more, you can reach our Seattle, WA dental practice by calling 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.