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Trouble With Bleeding Gums? Let Your Dentist Know!

If your gums bleed easily whenever you brush and floss, it can lead to some understandable concern. You may be unsure of what to expect from this issue, or feel unprepared to respond. This issue is one of several that can occur if you develop gingivitis, the initial stage of a periodontal infection. Effective preventive dental care can help you avoid problems with your gums, but you should know that your Seattle, WA dentist can provide you with help to stop an infection from worsening. A periodontal cleaning can address the bacteria that are below your gum line causing issues for you, stopping the matter before you develop periodontitis, which can be difficult to manage.

Are You Familiar With The Symptoms Of Gingivitis?

While it may not be fun to think about how gingivitis might affect your smile, you should know how to recognize its signs in order to stop it from doing real harm to your oral health. Bleeding gums can be hard to ignore, but there are subtler symptoms that you should watch for when you brush and floss. If you notice that your gums look redder than usual of late, an infection could be to blame. You may also find that your gum line recedes due to an infection, or that the tissues start to swell. There is one more particularly embarrassing symptom you should know about – if you have a periodontal infection, you may begin struggling with chronic bad breath.

Arranging Important Preventive Periodontal Care

Your routine dental exams are good for preventing gum disease, as your periodontist is able to effectively clean your teeth at your gum line, and remove bacteria that can become a future problem. If you are already showing signs of gum disease, a more involved periodontal cleaning can be in order. This special procedure will allow your dentist to clean teeth below your gum line, which means the bacteria responsible for your troubles can be addressed directly.

Follow Good Brushing And Flossing Habits To Protect Your Smile, And Your Gums

When you practice good brushing and flossing habits, you can better protect yourself against gum disease, and avoid dental issues that require restorative dental work! Attention should be paid to your gum line whenever you clean your smile. Many people will overlook this space, or fail to clean at the base of their teeth effectively. If you fall into a habit of rushing your brushing and flossing, or paying too little attention to your cleaning sessions, you can be more vulnerable to gingivitis.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry If You Have Issues With Bleeding Gums!

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients who have bleeding gums can schedule an important periodontal cleaning, and stop gingivitis from creating even more serious smile troubles. To find out more, please contact our Seattle, WA dental practice at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.