serving ballard since 1974

Is Tooth Sensitivity Affecting Your Food And Drink Choices?

Once tooth sensitivity starts to become a concern, you may find yourself giving up on some of your favorite treats. Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, as well as a sensitivity to sweets, can certainly impact your ability to enjoy a range of different items. While a moment of sensitivity may not sound any alarms, persistent discomfort is certainly a matter for concern. You might be experiencing this problem because your gums have receded, exposing portion of your teeth that are naturally more sensitive. Gum line recession is a sign of poor periodontal health, which can be a real issue if it is not addressed. Sensitivity that is particular to a certain tooth may happening because of untreated tooth decay, meaning you need restorative dental work. If you want to find answers to your sensitivity issues, talk to our Seattle, WA dental practice to set up an oral health evaluation!

My Teeth Don’t Hurt, But They Are Sensitive – Should I Be Concerned?

You may not describe your dental issues as “painful,” but sensitivity can be worrying enough to justify visiting your dentist. After all, any sign that something might be the matter with your oral health should be taken seriously. Remember that are teeth are limited in how much they can heal when something is wrong. If you have a problem like tooth decay making your tooth sensitive, your issue will only worsen until it is addressed.

Examining Your Oral Health To Determine Why You Have Issues With Dental Sensitivity

At our practice, we can talk to you about your experiences with dental sensitivity, and look for the possible cause of your issues. If your dentist observes that your gum line is receding, and exposing portions of your teeth that are naturally more vulnerable, it may be time to start worrying about gum disease. An evaluation can also reveal a cavity, which will require treatment. Depending on the size of decay, you may need a dental filling, or a dental crown.

We Can Help You Stay Informed About Your Smile Health

Patients who visit us can look forward to impressive smile care on an ongoing basis! By making preventive dental care part of your routine, you can be more confident that any issues that might cause problems will be recognized and promptly addressed. This will limit your risk for more complicated problems that lead to the damage of more of your tooth structure. Because every visit also includes a careful cleaning of your teeth, we can lower the risk that you face for troubles in the future.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Dealing With Tooth Sensitivity

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we can help you figure out what the problem might be if you are struggling with dental sensitivity! To schedule an appointment with us, please call our Seattle, WA dental practice at 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.