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Maintain A Better Brushing Routine Each Morning

Not everyone can be a “morning person,” but we can all put in effort to make sure we start the day with the best foot forward. You should commit part of your daily morning routine to your smile care. This means more than just brushing – to take proper care of your smile, you should be giving this habit the time and attention necessary to truly help you avoid tooth decay. That means taking the time to be thorough as you brush, and making sure you reach every area of your smile. It also calls for you to pay attention to your diet choices. After all, starting your day with a high-sugar cereal or pastry means feeling oral bacteria harmful food debris that can create tooth decay troubles!

Your Morning Routine Should Give You Enough Time To Properly Care For Your Smile

The time you spend on brushing your teeth in the morning can make a real difference. If you have had problems with tartar accumulation in the past, the brushing routine you follow could be partly to blame. Tartar forms when plaque deposits become hard, and difficult to remove. When this occurs, it takes a professional dental cleaning to remove them. If you spend time brushing every area of your teeth, you can do something about those plaque deposits before you have troubles with tartar! It should be noted that brushing with more force does not make up for lost time, and can actually create friction that wears on your enamel!

Should I Brush My Teeth Right Away, Or After I Eat?

Brushing your teeth in the morning is important. While some people prefer to leave the house with the cleanest smile possible, others will prefer to brush as soon as they wake. The consistency of brushing matters more than when it occurs as part of your routine. It should be noted that if you enjoy coffee, orange juice, or any other acidic product during breakfast, your enamel can be softened just after your meal. Brushing before, or waiting before brushing after breakfast in this case, can be recommended.

Other Daily Behaviors Worth Following If You Want To Protect Your Smile

Are you trying to improve your daily care efforts? Start drinking more water, and replacing soft drinks with water at meals, to reduce your risk for problems. You should also remember that your morning is not the only time to practice good habits. You should have a routine that sees you brush at least two times each day, while seeing you floss at least once.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Improving Your Oral Care Routine!

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, you can enjoy great oral care during every appointment. In addition to delivering quality preventive, restorative, and cosmetic care, we can work with you by providing tips that help you change your oral care routine for the better! For more information, call our Seattle, WA dental practice at 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.