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How Can I Avoid Issues With Bleeding Gums When I Brush?

Even when you believe you are brushing carefully, your gums bleed. How worried should you be about this problem, and how can you avoid it in the future? It is possible that your current brushing routine is creating this problem, because you use too much force and/or due to hard bristles on your brush. With that said, you should be aware that gums that bleed easily may be affected by an infection. Developing gingivitis can lead to this problem, and it can cause your periodontal tissues to swell, or redden. Over time, you may notice that your gum line recedes. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we are prepared to help you deal with periodontal problems as part of our preventive dental services.

Your Gums May Be Bleeding Because Of Your Periodontal Health

If you are not brushing aggressively, and if you select soft bristle toothbrushes, your bleeding gums may be an issue due to periodontal problems that have gone untreated. You should be aware of the different symptoms that can point to gingivitis, as this is problem you want to identify and treat. Without the right intervention, the problem can worsen as time passes, and you can experience heightened risks for general health problems, and tooth loss!

Improving Your Daily Smile Care Routine To Avoid Gum Problems

You do not need to use much force when brushing to clear away plaque and food debris. Also, tartar is not going to budge even if you brush aggressively, so lighter brushing can be preferable. With that said, you should make sure to be as thorough as possible when cleaning your teeth by reaching every area, and giving attention to your gum line while cleaning.

Scheduling A Periodontal Cleaning To Address Gingivitis

Our practice is ready to do more than just restore teeth that are affected by cavities. As part of our preventive cleaning services, we can offer scaling and root planing procedures. A scaling and root planing is different from a standard dental cleaning, as care is provided for teeth below your gum line. It is important to deal with bacteria gathering beneath your gums, because the problem can become difficult to manage if your condition worsens. In addition to removing bacteria, your dentist treats the surfaces of teeth as a means of making it harder for more bacteria to build up – this way, you are less likely to have problems in the future!

Count On Hygge Laser Dentistry For Effective Oral And Periodontal Care!

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients who start to exhibit signs of gingivitis can count on expert care! At our office, we can provide a scaling and root planing to eliminate harmful bacteria that cause problems for your periodontal tissues. We are also ready to provide other preventive services, and quality dental care whenever problems affect your teeth. For more information about our Seattle, WA dental practice, please call 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.