serving ballard since 1974

Don’t Let Dental Sensitivity Ruin Your Meals!

Allergies, diet concerns, and general taste preferences already dictate what you typically eat. When you have problems with dental sensitivity, you can find yourself avoiding foods and drinks you liked. If this is a frequent problem, you may find yourself dreading meals due to the discomfort they can cause you! At our Seattle, WA dental practice, we are prepared to work with you to address issues with dental sensitivity. This problem can stem from different issues, some of which can lead to further problems. For instance, if you have trouble with sensitive teeth because of a jaw clenching problem, you could suffer serious dental damage!

Sensitive Teeth Can Make Meals And Snacks Uncomfortable

Different people can have different experiences with dental sensitivity. For some, the problem can interfere with their ability to consume especially hot or cold items, or products that are sweeter. For other people, sensitivity can be an issue throughout the day. It should be noted that any issues that seem to be interfering with your daily life should be taken seriously. Trying to just “work around” the problem can leave a real dental health concern undetected and untreated.

Why Am I Dealing With Dental Sensitivity?

There is no single reason that people experience dental sensitivity. You could have problems because of a nightly teeth grinding problem, which leaves you sore, and vulnerable to significant chips and cracks in teeth that require dental crowns. You could have the problem due to natural wear and tear over time, which can leave your enamel eroded. This problem can also be connected to receding gums, which can reveal portions of teeth that are more likely to be sensitive.

Make Sure You Stay Informed About Your Oral Health With Regular Dental Exams

How can you be sure what is happening with your smile over time? If you want to stay informed about your oral health, make sure you are not skipping your dental health exams! These appointments are not just for people who think something is wrong with their smile. When you continue to see your dentist for preventive care when everything seems fine, you can receive warnings when there are early signs of bruxism (teeth grinding), or if your gums appear to be receding. With early intervention, and the proper treatment, it is possible for you to minimize your risk for problems that might affect your smile, or quality of life.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Issues With Dental Sensitivity

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients who want to do something about dental sensitivity are encouraged to come in for an evaluation. We can determine why you are experiencing problems, and recommend the appropriate treatment in response! For more information, or to make your appointment at our Seattle, WA dental practice, please call us at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.