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Better Brushing Habits Can Help You Avoid Dental Troubles

Who would turn down an opportunity to show off a lovely, healthy smile? While you might have a hard time finding anyone who would like teeth that appear unhealthy, people sometimes fall into habits that can put their oral health at risk. Proper brushing efforts can be crucial for maintaining your smile. After all, these cleanings help you remove harmful oral bacteria, and clear away food particles that can hurt the color of your teeth. If your brushing routine is not as effective as it should be, you can start to experience problems with noticeable teeth stains, and with cavities. In addition to offering quality professional dental care at our Seattle, WA dental office, we can provide tips to help you make the most of your brushing habits!

How Often Do You Brush?

How often do you brush on a typical day, and how often do you fall short of your “typical” brushing habits? You should make a point of brushing your teeth at least twice each day. By remaining consistent with this habit, you provide yourself with important ongoing protection against harmful microbes that can cause cavities, and gum disease. If you are not brushing often enough – or if you “sometimes” fail to brush as often as you know you should – oral bacteria can gather. If this occurs, you can have problems with tartar buildup, and you can wind up needing restorative dental work after your next dental exam!

Take At Least Two Minutes To Thoroughly Clean Your Teeth When You Brush

Putting toothpaste on your brush, then moving your brush around briefly in your mouth, can leave you less protected than you might hope. To gain the full benefits of brushing, spend at least two minutes actively cleaning your teeth, and make a point of reaching every area you can. Overlooking hard-to-reach spots, or not giving enough attention to what you are doing, can leave you vulnerable to bacteria buildup. If you try to compensate for shorter brushing sessions by brushing with more aggressive motions, you can create friction that wears down your enamel. This can make you more vulnerable to cavities over time.

Additional Tips To Help You Avoid Dental Troubles

Brushing is an important part of your oral hygiene routine, but it is not the only step you should take to protect your smile on a daily basis. You should also floss at least once per day. By doing this consistently, you will be able to fight the buildup of harmful microbes between your teeth. This does more than just protect you against decay in hard-to-reach spaces – by flossing, you clear away bacteria that can cause gingivitis.

Remember that a good diet a valuable component of preventive dental care. If you expose yourself to fewer harmful agents like sugar, and overly acidic items, you are less likely to have issues with tooth decay.

Enjoy Protection Against Dental Troubles At Hygge Laser Dentistry

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, Seattle families can look forward to superior dental treatment every time they come in for preventive care. In between appointments, you can follow our tips in order to keep your teeth in fantastic shape! For more information, call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.