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Can Dental Sensitivity Be Linked To Oral Health Trouble?

When you start to feel the effects of dental sensitivity, you can quickly grow frustrated with the problem as it interferes with your ability to eat and drink. You can also grow concerned that your problem might be related to an unaddressed issue with your oral health! At our Seattle, WA dental practice, we can work with patients who start to experience dental sensitivity. If your troubles are linked to issues with tooth decay, or because of bruxism, we can provide the appropriate treatment to resolve the matter. Addressing the matter with an oral health professional can be important – if an active oral health issue is at the root of your sensitivity problems, that issue can actually continue to worsen as you go without treatment.

Dental Sensitivity Can Be A Frustrating Problem

Dental sensitivity can be an irritating issue to deal with over time. You can experience discomfort every time you try to eat, or whenever your teeth are exposed to heat, or cold temperatures. If the sensitivity is localized in a particular tooth, the problem can progress to the point where you are experiencing persistent pain. Rather than try to put up with the problem, and hope it naturally resolves itself, your dentist can make sure that the matter is dealt with appropriately.

Issues That Can Make Your Teeth More Sensitive

Your dental sensitivity could be the result of one of many issues. You might have a problem because of wear and tear over time, which can cause layers of your enamel to erode, leaving your teeth with less protection. You can also have problems because your gum line is receding, and exposing areas of your teeth that are naturally more sensitive. For some people, issues with sensitivity result due to habitual teeth grinding, a problem known as bruxism. While you can catch yourself grinding your teeth during the day, you can continue to clench your jaw at night and do more harm to your smile. Sensitivity in a particular tooth can also be a sign of a cavity. If that cavity is not treated, you can experience an internal tooth infection, then suffer additional problems that affect your overall health!

Stay Informed About Your Oral Health By Attending Regular Checkups

At every regular dental exam, you can receive important feedback about your smile that will help you stop problems before they progress. In addition to looking for signs of tooth decay and gum disease, your dentist will check on the condition of your teeth to determine if you have issues with enamel erosion, wear and tear, or any other problems that call for a professional response.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Dental Sensitivity

Hygge Laser Dentistry is ready to help you deal with problems that affect your oral health, including problems related to dental sensitivity. To find out more, or to make an appointment with us, please call our Seattle, WA dental office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.