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Taking Action To Address An Issue With Bleeding Gums

When you first notice that your gums bleed easily after brushing and flossing, you can be understandably worried about your oral health. Even if the bleeding is not painful, this is not a sign of healthy periodontal tissues. A tendency for your gums to bleed is one of many symptoms you might experience because of gingivitis, a periodontal infection that can lead to serious problems with gum disease. You are right to be concerned about bleeding gums, and you should feel comfortable sharing your concerns with your dentist. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we are ready to help you fight problems with your periodontal health, just as we are prepared to provide restorative dental work if you have problems with your teeth.

Bleeding Gums Can Be A Sign Of Gingivitis

Gingivitis, the initial stage of a periodontal infection, can cause noticeable symptoms that you can identify during your brushing and flossing routine. You can certainly notice something is different when you suddenly find yourself experiencing bleeding gums whenever you clean your teeth. You might also see some swelling of your periodontal tissues, as well as unusual redness. Halitosis – bad breath – is not a problem you “see,” but it is certainly a problem that other people can notice. If you observe any of these issues, you should take them seriously. If gingivitis is not properly managed, you can experience difficult problems with periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease that can cause long-term problems for your dental and general well-being.

Scheduling A Scaling And Root Planing With Your Dentist

For problems with gingivitis, your dentist can recommend a scaling and root planing. This is a type of oral health cleaning that goes beyond the care provided during a typical routine dental exam. This cleaning will see your dentist remove bacteria that have accumulated below your gum line, so these harmful agents cannot cause further trouble. A scaling and root planing is an effective answer to gingivitis, and these sessions can help individuals who are already fighting the effects of more serious gum disease.

How Can I Prevent Future Issues With Gingivitis?

General dental services can provide you with oral health support that limits your risk for experiencing issues like gum disease and tooth decay over time. At every routine visit, you receive a preventive cleaning that helps you stay out of smile trouble – any problems that might form between visits can be identified and properly addressed. With that said, the quality of your at-home oral care routine is important. You should focus on fully cleaning your teeth every day by brushing at least twice, and flossing at least once. It is important to reach every area of your smile, particularly the base of your teeth, if you want to avoid problems.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Issue With Bleeding Gums

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients who are concerned by bleeding gums can count on quality preventive dental care to help them avoid complications with their periodontal health. To find out more, or to set up an appointment at our Seattle, WA dental office, please call us at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.