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3 Mistakes That Can Make Brushing Less Effective

Hopefully, you take the time to brush your teeth at least two times every day. When you do so, you give your smile important protection against accumulating oral bacteria, and you clear away any food particles left in your mouth. This habit is about more than just fighting tooth decay – a good brushing routine is also effective at preventing problems with gum disease. Unfortunately, people sometimes make mistakes that can have more impact on their oral health than they might expect! If you are surprised to learn that you need a dental filling at your next dental exam, your Seattle, WA dental office can talk with you about your current oral care regimen, and see if there are any mistakes you should avoid going forward if you want to prevent future issues.

1. Brushing Aggressively Instead Of Thoroughly

If you want to make the most of your time brushing your teeth, you should do your best to reach every area of every tooth. To fully cover every space that might need protection, you should spend at least two minutes brushing. What you should be careful to avoid doing is brushing more aggressively as a substitute for being thorough. Brushing with more force can offer little in terms of better protecting your smile. You can actually use too much force and speed up your rate of enamel erosion, which can result in you being MORE vulnerable to cavities!

2. Using The Wrong Toothpaste

You can find a wide array of toothpastes at your nearest grocery store or pharmacy, but you can be unsure of what makes one product better than others. If you want to make sure you have an effective toothpaste, make sure the brand you purchase features an ADA seal of approval on its packaging. This indicates that the toothpaste offers the right benefits to give you the oral health support you expect your toothpaste to provide.

3. “Occasionally” Forgetting To Brush

If you sometimes skip brushing, can you put a little more time in effort into cleaning your teeth next time to make up the difference? When you “occasionally” forget to brush, you give plaque more time to accumulate, and harden into tartar. Once a tartar deposit has formed, it will remain in place until your next professional dental cleaning. In other words, The occasional interruption to your brushing routine can cause more trouble for your smile than you might assume!

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Provide Effective Oral Health Support!

Hygge Laser Dentistry is proud to provide dedicated smile care to patients when they come in for routine support. In addition to taking care of you in the dentist’s chair, we can also help you identify improvements in your oral care routine that will make it easier for you to avoid dental problems in the future! To find out more, you can reach Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.