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Taking Good Care Of Your Gums When You Brush Your Teeth

If you put in the appropriate effort to clean your teeth on a daily basis, your overall oral health benefits. What you should know is that in addition to protecting yourself against tooth decay, your brushing habits also help you protect your gums from infection. Unfortunately, not everyone puts in the time and effort to fully benefit from brushing, and they can leave themselves vulnerable to gingivitis as a result. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we provide regular dental exams and cleanings that defend your smile against potential threats. During these appointments, we can take the time to discuss your daily routine, and offer tips to help you enjoy better protection for your teeth AND gums when you brush!

Your Oral Hygiene Routine Can Keep You Safe Against Periodontal Problems

Your daily oral care regimen helps you avoid problems that require restorative dental work on teeth, while also providing support for your gums. When you brush, you clear away the accumulation of oral bacteria that may threaten your dental health. It is important to fully clean the surfaces of your teeth, and to give your gum line serious attention. Failing to clean at your gum line consistently can lead to troubles with gingivitis, which can worsen to advanced gum disease. This is certainly a problem you want to avoid, as an advanced infection, known as periodontitis, can interfere with your general health, and can lead to tooth loss!

Making Corrections To Your Daily Oral Care Routine

Should you consider making changes to your daily oral care routine? You can gauge the effectiveness of your current regimen by considering the following:

  • Are you brushing at least twice a day, and taking at least two minutes to brush your teeth every time you brush?
  • Do you floss at least one time per day?
  • When you clean your teeth, are you being thorough enough to clean your gum line?
  • Are you replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, and consistently using toothpaste with ADA approval?

Your brushing and flossing habits help you avoid problems that can require dental fillings and dental crowns, while also keeping you defended against gum disease. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits may not be difficult, but it is important for the long-term condition of your smile.

Unsure If Your Smile Is In Good Health? Make Sure Your Next Dental Exam Is Scheduled

If you feel uncertain about the effectiveness of your smile care habits, you can receive important feedback at your next routine dental checkup! General dental care helps people stay informed about the condition of their teeth and gums, while also providing opportunities for them to learn if they need treatment for active problems. Even if you are taking care to thoroughly clean your teeth each day, routine appointments keep you knowledgeable about your smile, and warn you if there are any problems that have not caused you to experience uncomfortable symptoms.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Help You Take Great Care Of Your Teeth And Gums

Families in and around Seattle, WA can count on quality care at Hygge Laser Dentistry! If you want to set up an appointment for general care, or if you have any oral health concerns, you can contact our Seattle dental practice at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.