serving ballard since 1974

Make Sure You Clean Hard-To-Reach Areas When You Brush

While people tend to do a good job maintaining some kind of oral hygiene routine, they sometimes fail to recognize vulnerabilities in their approach. Often, individuals will not spend enough time brushing, or they will skip cleaning their teeth “occasionally,” without realizing how often those “occasional” skips really are. Insufficient brushing is also a problem for those who fail to clean every area of their smile. If harder to reach areas near the back of your mouth receive infrequent attention, you could be putting yourself at a heightened risk for cavities. If you want to check in about the status of your oral hygiene routine, make sure you schedule routine dental appointments. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we provide a thorough evaluation and cleaning at every preventive appointment, and can warn you if there are signs that your brushing could use some improvement.

People Can Fail To Realize How Their Brushing Habits Leave Them Vulnerable To Cavities

If you are not taking at least two minutes to brush, and making an effort to reach every area of your smile, hard-to-reach areas can be affected by a buildup of tartar, and may have more cavity troubles. Holding yourself accountable by spending more time brushing – and making an effort to clean more thoroughly – can help you avoid problems that demand restorative dental work. With that said, these are not the only mistakes people make. If you want to make more improvements, stay consistent with replacing your brush every three to four months, confirm that your toothpaste is ADA approved, and resist the occasional temptation to skip brushing.

More Tips To Help You Take Better Care Of Your Smile

While brushing is an important component of daily oral care, it is not the only part of a smile care routine that should concern you. If you want to keep your teeth and gums healthy, make sure you are also flossing on a daily basis. When brushing and flossing, be sure to clean at the base of teeth. Doing so removes those bacteria that might infect your gums, and create problems with gingivitis.

A good oral care routine matters, but you also need to think about what you are doing between cleanings. If your diet is rich with sugars, you should be aware that you are putting yourself in real danger for tooth decay, and may wind up with a dental filling or dental crown after your next checkup!

We Can Offer Thorough Smile Care With A Professional Teeth Cleaning

At every routine appointment, we provide a thorough teeth cleaning. This session removes tartar as well as plaque, which makes it particularly important for protecting your smile. Between your cleaning and your evaluation, you can come away from a checkup with a wealth of important information about your smile health!

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Help You Keep Your Smile Clean And Healthy

Hygge Laser Dentistry is ready to help patients keep their teeth in top shape! With good habits at home, and regular checkups, you can have an easier time avoiding trouble with tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health concerns! For more information, or to make an appointment, call our Seattle, WA dental office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.