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Is Wear And Tear Making Your Smile Appear Asymmetrical?

A set of attractive, healthy teeth can give you a confident and lovely smile that you are eager to share with everyone! With smart preventive dental care, and regular dental checkups, you can preserve the look of your teeth over time, and maintain that confidence. Unfortunately, some people will notice a change in the way they look due to accumulated wear and tear on their teeth. While the effect may be relatively modest, it can create certain problems that make you feel self-conscious. One concern is that uneven wear and tear might throw off the symmetry of your smile. If this happens, our Seattle, WA dental office can provide cosmetic work to carefully correct these minor damages, and fix this issue with asymmetry!

Dental Wear And Tear Can Affect Your Overall Appearance

Dental wear and tear can occur slowly, but its gradual effect can become hard to ignore. Because friction from biting and chewing can inevitably cause some change to your dental structure, you can expect to see some changes. However, if those changes occur in a relatively short time, or if they start to feel difficult to ignore, you should address the matter with your dentist. A more rapid change can be a sign of bruxism, while problems that affect your confidence can be corrected through cosmetic dentistry.

Are You Damaging Your Teeth By Grinding At Night?

People who deal with bruxism are affected by a habitual teeth grinding that occurs while they sleep. The first signs of trouble can concern discomfort during the mornings, particularly pain in your jaw, face, and teeth. Over time, the pressure from grinding can wear down your teeth, leading to visible wear and tear that makes you uncomfortable. You should know that this problem is serious enough to chip or crack teeth, and make restorative dental work necessary! Before you start to deal with permanent damage to your tooth structure, our practice can provide you with a custom appliance to wear while you sleep, and keep your teeth safe.

Changing Your Smile With Careful Cosmetic Work

If you are bothered by the way changes to your tooth structure are affecting the way you look, the right cosmetic treatment can help. Through dental bonding and contouring work, your dentist can carefully reshape teeth, making them more even, and hiding visible damages. The resulting improvements can restore the symmetry of your smile, and boost your confidence without making it apparent you have had work done. Our practice can also hide damages with the placement of porcelain veneers, which effectively cover flaws and provide lasting improvements.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Dental Wear And Tear

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, our patients can count on quality care if they experience problems with their smile due to wear and tear! If this has become a problem that concerns you, please call our Seattle, WA dental office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.