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Describing Issues With Dental Sensitivity To Your Dentist

If you start to develop issues with dental sensitivity, you can become more cautious about what you eat and drink. You can also feel uncomfortable about the possibility that something may be wrong with your oral health. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we can listen to your concerns about dental sensitivity, examine your smile, and help you put a stop to the problem. There are several reasons people start to develop dental sensitivity. Once your cause is identified, we can discuss a path to restoring your oral health, and putting an end to your discomfort. Sensitivity is one of many issues that can be discussed during a routine dental exam.

How Is Dental Sensitivity Affecting Your Life?

For some people, sensitivity is more noticeable when their teeth are exposed to hot or cold temperatures. For others, a particular tooth can feel uncomfortable when pressure is placed on it, making it harder to bite and chew. The problem could be due to gum line recession, which exposes portions of teeth that have less natural protection, or natural wear and tear affecting your enamel. Your problem could also be due to a cavity, which calls for restorative dental work.

Bringing Up A Problem With Sensitive Teeth At Your Next Appointment

To make the most of your dental visit, you should bring up any concerns that you have about the condition of your smile. Even if your sensitivity is minor, you should make sure to mention it. Through a careful evaluation of your teeth and gums, we can identify any reason you might feel discomfort. The problem may not be a permanent change to your tooth structure – sometimes, people start to feel sensitivity because of nightly teeth grinding.

What If Sensitivity Makes It Hard For Me To Bite And Chew?

If a problem with sensitivity is concentrated in a single tooth, and serious enough to affect the way you bite and chew, you may have an infection that calls for treatment. A root canal procedure can remove bacteria that have gathered in your pulp, and stop the problem from progressing. If your sensitivity is connected to teeth grinding, and causes problems like jaw pain and general discomfort, we can use a special oral appliance to stop you from doing permanent damage to your smile.

Discuss Sensitivity Issues At Hygge Laser Dentistry!

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we understand that dental sensitivity can be a frustrating problem. If you start to have problems with a particular tooth, or with several teeth, we can examine your smile during a routine exam and see what might be affecting you. With the problem identified, we can move forward with treatment! To find out more, or to make an appointment, call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.