serving ballard since 1974

Have Your Teeth Become Sensitive To Heat And Cold?

If you start to have issues with dental sensitivity, certain treats you used to enjoy can quickly lose their appeal. If you find yourself recoiling from the sting of cold from ice cream, or the discomfort caused by a hot beverage, you can be understandably concerned about your oral health. Our Seattle, WA dental office can help you understand why you have issues with sensitivity by performing an evaluation of your teeth and gums. We can look for possible causes like tooth decay, a receding gum line, or enamel erosion, which can explain your difficulties. Once a problem is identified, we can recommend an appropriate solution!

Dental Sensitivity Can Be An Understandably Concerning Issue

Dental sensitivity can make eating and drinking more difficult, and decidedly less pleasant. If you dread mealtimes, or feel reluctant to enjoy certain items, you should make time to discuss the matter with your dentist. Any oral health issue that interferes with your quality of life should be a concern for you, and you should be aware that ignoring trouble can lead to an untreated issue becoming worse. When you think something is wrong, it is important to schedule routine dental care.

Having Your Oral Health Needs Thoroughly Reviewed During A Routine Checkup

During your oral health evaluation, patients enjoy both a thorough teeth cleaning, and a dedicated examination of their teeth and gums. On a regular basis, these checkups help patients by removing plaque and tartar, and ensuring they stay informed about any negative developments regarding their oral health. If you have started experiencing issues with dental sensitivity, an evaluation can determine what might be affecting you, so that the problem can be addressed.

What If My Dentist Determines That I Need Restorative Work On My Teeth?

If your problem with dental sensitivity is connected to tooth decay, treatment can be arranged. At our practice, we address cavities with a modern approach to restorative dental treatment. Our goal is to minimize the amount of your tooth structure that is affected, and to preserve the look of your smile. Our dental fillings and dental crowns are constructed to closely imitate tooth enamel, so your restoration does not attract unwanted attention. While these restorations are popular for their appearance, they are also effective at giving you long-term protection, and allowing you to bite and chew comfortably.

Count On Dedicated Oral Health Support At Every Appointment With Hygge Laser Dentistry

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are prepared to help patients understand what is causing their trouble with dental sensitivity. If you have questions about your oral health because your teeth are sensitive to extreme temperatures, or if you have any other issues that concern you about your smile, we are here to help! For more information, you can contact our Seattle, WA dental practice at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.