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Fighting Gum Disease Can Put A Stop To Bleeding Gums

If you start to bleed from your gums whenever you brush and floss your teeth, you may be experiencing a symptom of gingivitis. This infection of your gums is something you should worry about – when the problem is not managed properly, complications can ultimately lead to tooth loss, and difficulties with your general health. Fortunately, when an infection is addressed, the condition can be reversed, your gums can be returned to good health, and you can stop the problem of periodontal bleeding. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we are ready to help you protect your gums. If we observe signs of poor periodontal health during a routine dental exam, we can recommend a scaling and root planing, a special cleaning that targets the bacteria beneath your gum line!

Gingivitis Can Cause Your Gums To Bleed When You Brush And Floss

It is common for a person’s gums to bleed whenever they brush and floss if they have developed a periodontal infection. With that said, there are other signs that you should know about, and look after, if you want to give gingivitis the appropriate attention. Your periodontal tissues may swell, or redden, when they have become infected. You can also experience an embarrassing struggle to mask bad breath. Over time, poor gum health can also cause your gum line to recede, which can expose sensitive portions of teeth, and change your smile.

Untreated Gum Disease Can Create Serious Problems For Your Smile And Well-Being

You can respond to gingivitis, and restore the condition of your gums. However, if you do not take action in time, you should be aware that an infection can grow worse over time, and create new problems. An advanced infection, known as periodontitis, can lead to the destruction of the tissues that are keeping your teeth secure. When attachment loss takes place, you can end up losing teeth! Periodontitis can also interfere with your health in other ways, and increase your risk for conditions like heart disease. You can fight gingivitis by improving your daily oral care efforts, and by scheduling regular dental visits.

Benefits Of Consistent Dental Exams

At every routine dental appointment, your smile is being carefully evaluated. These reviews can lead to the discovery of gingivitis, tooth decay, and other problems that you should know about. When your dentist is aware of what is happening with your smile, they can respond more quickly, and put an end to your condition before the problem has the chance to worsen.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Issues With Bleeding Gums

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are prepared to help patients who are worried about their bleeding gums. In addition to providing a dedicated periodontal cleaning, we offer routine smile support that can keep you safe from potential oral health threats! To find out more about our practice, and our services, call Hygge Laser Dentistry today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.