serving ballard since 1974

Starting Your Day With Dental Pain? It Could Be Bruxism

Aches and pains in the morning can interfere with your ability to start your day, and they can put you in a sour mood. Unfortunately, discomfort can be the norm for many people upon waking, as they may be grinding or clenching their teeth throughout the night. This problem, known as bruxism, can lead to pain and sensitivity in your face and neck, as well as stiff or uncomfortable jaw movements. When the problem continues for an extended duration, it can eventually become a problem for the condition of your teeth! At our Seattle, WA dental office, we can recommend treatment to spare you from the effects of bruxism. A custom appliance can be crafted to protect your smile while you sleep, so you no longer have to worry about discomfort or dental damage!

Grinding Your Teeth Throughout Your Night Can Affect Your Quality Of Life

Grinding your teeth while you sleep can seriously intrude on your mornings, and your smile. The pressure placed on your teeth, jaw joints, and facial muscles from grinding and clenching can leave you sore, and make it hard for you to bite and chew. You can also develop chronic pain because of TMJ disorder, which can lead to discomfort throughout the day. For many people, the immediate effects of bruxism are serious enough to send them in search of treatment. You should be aware that if you attempt to ignore the problem, you can wind up with dental damage that requires restorative dental work!

Enjoy Nighttime Protection With A Custom Appliance

At our dental office, we craft appliances that can keep your teeth apart while you sleep. Your oral insert will be carefully designed to stay in place without discomfort, so its presence does not interfere with your ability to feel comfortable in bed. The appliance is strong enough to keep your teeth safe, so you no longer have to fear wear and tear, or potential chips and cracks in your enamel.

Your Teeth Can Become Damaged By Grinding – We Can Provide Treatment

If you have put off treatment for bruxism, you may have already noticed a change in the condition of your teeth. In some cases, a person’s dental damage can be so serious that they have a difficult time putting pressure on certain teeth! Modern dental crowns can protect vulnerable teeth, and also make it easier for you to bite and chew. If you want to improve your smile after experiencing wear and tear, we can recommend cosmetic dental services to improve the way you look.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Bruxism

Untreated bruxism can become a serious problem for your smile. At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we can provide an appliance to protect your teeth from this condition’s effect on your teeth, and we can take care of any damages that you may have already suffered! To find out more, or to make an appointment at our Seattle, WA dental office, call us today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.