serving ballard since 1974

Better Brushing Can Protect Your Smile Through The Holidays

The holiday season tends to mark the start of festive social gatherings, fun family dinners, and even a few fun events in the workplace that bring people closer together. When it comes to caring for your smile, you should be mindful that these events tend to provide revelers with more than a few dessert options, and that over time the extra sweets you eat can cause problems for your teeth! At our Seattle, WA dental practice, we provide dedicated dental care to our patients at every routine dental exam. With that said, we want to make it clear that what you do between visits will be important if you want to avoid dental decay. Because of this, we can offer tips on better brushing that help you fight a potential increase in your sugar consumption.

Avoiding Cavities During The Holiday Season

The holidays can be a fun time for many people, but the tasty offerings we tend to enjoy may do us harm in the long term. It is important to note that even with effective brushing and flossing habits, you can wind up with a dental filling or dental crown at your next dental appointment because of your diet choices. Make sure you snack smart during the holidays, and avoid overdoing it with sweets. You can also protect your smile by drinking more water throughout each day.

Common Brushing Mistakes You Definitely Want To Avoid

How can you make sure your teeth are receiving the attention they need during the holiday season? One mistake people make is rushing through their oral care routine. If you are not spending at least two minutes on brushing, you can make yourself vulnerable to decay and gum disease. It is also important to be consistent about brushing at least twice a day. After a night of filling foods and desserts at a holiday party, you may feel you are too tired to spend two minutes brushing. Skipping your oral care after such an indulgent night can put your smile at risk, and leave you vulnerable to problems that require restorative dental work!

Discuss Your Brushing Routine During Your Next Dental Exam

At your next dental exam, you can bring up any questions you have about your brushing routine, or any other matter related to your oral health. Our goal is to do more than just care for your teeth while you are in the dentist’s chair. We also want to give you the tools and insights required to keep your teeth healthy between visits!

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Provide Good Tips For Brushing

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we offer more than just routine preventive treatments during a checkup. We also use these meetings as opportunities to give important counseling on oral care habits, and we can help you recognize mistakes in your routine that should be corrected. For more information, please call our Seattle, WA dental practice at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.