serving ballard since 1974

Has Dental Sensitivity Led To Changes In Your Daily Life?

Because dental sensitivity often causes people to experience problems with temperature extremes, people who have sensitive teeth often abandon certain hot and cold products due to discomfort. If an individual has general sensitivity, or persistent pain in a certain tooth, they can go on to make other changes that limit their diet, and negatively affect their quality of life. At our Seattle, WA dental practice, we are ready to help people deal with these problems, and regain better dental function. After an oral health evaluation, we can find the cause for your sensitivity issues. When problems call for restorative dental treatment, you can count on our practice to address matters while preserving your appearance.

Dental Sensitivity Can Cause Persistent Discomfort

For people who struggle with dental sensitivity for any reason, dental health concerns can be hard to ignore. After all, you may be unable to enjoy meals, snacks, or even beverages without some kind of discomfort. Until you seek help with the problem, it can be hard for you to stick with a routine that you like. Fortunately, your dentist can recognize what issue (or issues) might be affecting you, and recommend the appropriate solution.

Will You Need Restorative Dental Work To Address Your Sensitivity?

Dental sensitivity can be a consequence of persistent teeth grinding, trouble with tooth decay, or the erosion of your enamel over time. In some cases, problems with sensitivity do call for restorative dental treatment. If your troubles require treatment, our practice can make sure that the restorative work you undergo preserves your smile, and does not leave a distracting filling or crown that hurts the confidence you feel in your appearance. When caring for our patients, we use modern, tooth-colored dental fillings, and we can restore a tooth in a visible area with a tooth-colored dental crown.

Stay Informed About The State Of Your Smile With Regular Exams

If you want to stay informed about the condition of your smile, and limit your experiences with issues like dental sensitivity, make sure you stay current with general dental exams and cleanings. At every appointment, you are able to receive thorough feedback from your dentist about the condition of your oral health, and any problems that have started to develop can be identified and promptly treated.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Dental Sensitivity

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are ready to help individuals who are struggling with dental sensitivity or dental pain. After finding the reason for your discomfort, we can recommend the appropriate treatment so that you no longer have to worry about discomfort while eating, drinking, or speaking. Our regular appointments can also help you stay free of cavities, and limit your risks for gum disease. To find out more, or to set up an appointment at our Seattle, WA dental office, please call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.