serving ballard since 1974

Are You Making These Common Brushing Mistakes?

When you are aware of how destructive dental decay can be, and how quickly tartar can accumulate on teeth, you can quickly recognize the importance of a good brushing routine. Many people are confident that their approach to brushing their teeth is effectively keeping them safe from problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Unfortunately, that confidence is often misguided, and individuals who believe their teeth are in great shape can learn during a routine dental exam that they need a dental filling, or that they will have to schedule a more involved restorative dental procedure to address their oral health. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we can provide guidance on daily oral care in addition to offering important preventive care during your routine appointments!

Better Brushing Does NOT Mean Brushing More Aggressively

When people think about how they can improve their brushing routine, they sometimes come to the conclusion that they should brush with more force. Unfortunately, this can actually make them more vulnerable to future problems because it can increase your risk for enamel erosion. Aggressive brushing is not useful against tartar, and relatively light brush movements are effective against plaque and food debris that gather on our teeth.

Are You Spending Enough Time Cleaning Your Teeth?

If you are not giving yourself time to thoroughly clean your smile, you can wind up with cavities or issues with gum disease. Brush for at least two minutes every time you care for your smile. This gives you enough time to thoroughly clean every surface of every single tooth, and ensures you are not overlooking hard-to-reach spaces. Remember that you should use this time to clean at the base of your teeth, as bacteria in these areas can cause gingivitis.

Make Sure You Regularly Replace Your Toothbrush

The right tool can make a job easier, but a poor one can make it harder. If you want to do a good job cleaning your teeth over time, make sure you replace your toothbrush roughly every three months. Replacing old brushes is important because bristles on a brush become worn as time passes, and do less for you when it comes to fully cleaning your enamel. It should be noted that a brush that starts to look worn should be replaced, even if the three month mark has not been reached.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Help You Take Better Care Of Your Smile

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are prepared to help our patients take great care of their teeth! We understand that professional dental appointments, while valuable, are not the only kind of support your smile requires. Our office can offer helpful tips for you to follow at home, so you can do a better job cleaning and protecting your teeth and gums. For more information, or to make your next appointment, call our Seattle, WA dental office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.