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Making Plans To Restore Teeth Affected By Wear And Tear

Over time, the gradual friction your teeth endure on a daily basis can start to change the way your smile looks. This problem may be minor for some, but for many people this change can lead to real smile concerns. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we can talk to you about the effects of dental wear and tear, and help you deal with problems that have made you unhappy with your appearance. Through cosmetic dental work, we can restore your teeth by improving their shape, size, and color. You can be surprised to find that just one procedure is enough to make your teeth appear younger and healthier, which can lead to an important boost in your confidence.

Why Have My Teeth Started To Look Worn?

Our teeth have an important, but difficult, job. Breaking down food so that it can be safely swallowed creates friction that can steadily affect the condition of your enamel. Over time, this can make teeth appear flat, dull, or otherwise misshapen in ways that hurt your appearance. People who grind their teeth on a frequent basis, typically while they sleep, can be more vulnerable to visible changes. You can also face greater risks for visible wear and tear if you often chew on hard substances, like pen caps.

Using Cosmetic Procedures To Revitalize The Look Of Your Smile

Cosmetic dental work can give you improvements that make you appear younger and healthier. Many people who have experienced dental wear and tear have been impressed at the positive effects that porcelain veneers can have on the way they look. When your veneers are put in place, they can hide flaws that concern the shape and size of teeth. They can also help with discoloration, including discoloration from enamel erosion.

Can Dental Wear And Tear Affect My Oral Health?

Will you need restorative dental work to address the problems you have with dental wear and tear? In some cases, this may be the appropriate response to your troubles. If this is the case for you, we can talk to you about using lifelike dental crowns to restore teeth in poor condition. This can improve the way you look while also making it easier for you to practice basic biting and chewing functions without difficulty.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Restoring Teeth Affected By Wear And Tear

Dental wear and tear can be a common issue, but for some people it can lead to serious cosmetic concerns. Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA is ready to help you deal with visible wear and tear so you can restore your confidence in your smile. We can also help you deal with damage that affects your oral health. For more information, please call our Seattle, WA dental office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.