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Did You Know? Aggressive Brushing Can Wear Down Your Enamel

In order to make absolutely sure they are effectively removing harmful bacteria and food debris, some people make a point to brush their teeth aggressively each day. Unfortunately, this can be a less effective strategy than they realize. Brushing with more force will not help you remove tartar deposits – the accumulation of tartar is something that requires a professional dental cleaning. What can happen when you brush aggressively is you can wear down your enamel, and make yourself more likely to experience problems that demand restorative dental work. In addition to helping people keep their teeth healthy during checkups, our Seattle, WA dental office is always ready to provide you with tips that help you take better care of your teeth at home.

Why You Should Limit The Force Of Your Brushing

Forceful brushing is not a “better” way to protect your smile. Relatively gentle movements with a soft-bristle brush can remove plaque buildup, and help you remove food particles that might be stuck to teeth. If you want to make sure the spaces between your teeth receive enough attention, you should floss. When you brush aggressively, the only change may be that you are wearing down your enamel. That increased friction can leave the surfaces of teeth weaker, which can make it easier for bacteria to cause cavities.

Tips For Establishing A Successful Brushing Routine

If you want to prevent a problem that demands a dental filling at your next checkup, make sure you stick to a successful brushing routine. If you want your teeth cleaning routine to be more effective, take time to thoroughly pass over every surface of every tooth at least two times a day. You can see results from a brush with soft bristles, and relatively light motions, but make sure that you use a toothpaste that is effective at protecting your enamel. If your current preferred brand lacks an ADA seal of approval, look for one that has this seal. Make sure that whenever you clean your teeth, you pay attention to your gum line, as you can become vulnerable to gingivitis if bacteria near your gums are not removed.

Other Tips To Help You Enjoy A Lovely, Healthy Smile In 2020

Great brushing habits are important, but you should also floss on a daily basis. This is because your brush is not ideal for cleaning spaces between teeth. By flossing, you can better support yourself by fighting gum disease, and avoiding cavities in sensitive areas. You should also remember that your diet will be important – if you continue to consume a diet that is high in sugar, better brushing may not be enough to prevent cavities.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Better Brushing Advice, And For Professional Smile Care

At Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA, patients can count on us for guidance in addition to meaningful oral health support. For more information, or to make an appointment, our Seattle dental office can be reached at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.