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Discussing Bruxism During Your Next Dental Exam

How much can you and your dentist really cover in the course of a routine dental exam? At our Seattle, WA dental practice, we take time to fully review your oral health to look for any problems that might require attention. One thing we can discuss is teeth grinding, particularly the problem of nightly teeth grinding. Upon checking your teeth, your dentist can bring up this problem, known as bruxism, if there are signs of advanced wear and tear. You may want to bring up this topic at your next appointment yourself if you have been experiencing dental pain or sensitivity in the mornings. Of course, if you believe something might be wrong, you should reach out to make an appointment as soon as possible. We can provide you with a custom appliance to stop you from doing serious damage to your smile by grinding your teeth.

Can My Dentist Tell If I Have A Teeth Grinding Habit?

Your dentist can recognize when wear and tear is becoming an issue, which is often a sign of bruxism. Problems with your jaw movement can also suggest a tendency to grind your teeth at night. Once the problem has been identified, you can discuss taking steps to stop the problem from doing further damage. If some of your teeth are already showing signs of chipping and cracking, cosmetic dental work – or even restorative dental work – could be recommended.

Wearing A Custom Appliance To Spare You From Further Grinding Damage

A custom appliance can be designed for you to wear at night in order to stop bruxism from doing further harm to your smile. The appliance will be carefully crafted to stay secure, but also feel comfortable when worn. The presence of your custom guard keeps your teeth apart for the duration of the night, so grinding is no longer a problem. This separation can also help to alleviate stress on your jaw, and help reduce persistent aches and pains.

Has Bruxism Already Hurt Your Smile? We Can Help!

If you have already recognized a change in your smile caused by bruxism, our practice is prepared to help you. For superficial wear and tear, we can provide custom porcelain veneers that make teeth look healthier, more uniform, and generally more attractive. This can be effective for chips and cracks as well as the general flattening effect that can result when you clench or grind your teeth. If you have any teeth that are badly damaged, dental crowns can help.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Struggles With Bruxsim

Hygge Laser Dentistry is prepared to help individuals who have difficulties with nightly teeth grinding. During an evaluation, we can talk to you about protecting your smile with a custom appliance, and restoring teeth with the appropriate treatment. For more information, please call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.