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A Custom Guard Can Help You Stay Protected Against Bruxism

People who grind or clench their teeth while they sleep have to worry about potentially serious problems with dental damage over time. Some visible wear and tear can make people self-conscious enough to inquire about cosmetic dental work. For others, the damage can be serious enough to require restorative dental treatment! Because bruxism often causes people to grind or clench while sleeping, they are not able to simply correct this bad habit on their own. Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is able to help by providing a custom oral appliance to wear during rest. When in place, the guard keeps a person’s teeth apart, so they no longer have to worry about pain and dental damage!

Recognizing Signs That Bruxism Is Starting To Affect You

You may not be aware that you are grinding your teeth while it is happening, but you can pay attention to symptoms that often affect people once bruxism starts to be an issue. How often do you wake up with a headache, or with pain in your face or teeth? Do you have a difficult time moving your jaw when you start your day? These problems can result when you are persistently clenching or grinding your teeth. By recognizing that something is wrong, and mentioning it during your next routine dental exam, you can keep yourself protected before visible dental damage is a problem.

Is A Custom Guard Really Necessary For Addressing Bruxism?

Because you are not awake while you grind your teeth, there is not an easy way for you to “make” yourself quit grinding. Fortunately, you can protect yourself by wearing a custom guard each night. Because our practice makes appliance to fit comfortably, you can be surprised at how easily you adjust to its presence when you try to sleep. The guard’s custom fit can also make it easier for you to feel confident that the appliance will stay in place, and provide continued protection.

What Can Be Done About Existing Dental Damage?

If damage has already affected your smile, we can determine how to best address the problem. If you have teeth that look flat, misshapen, or simply seem worn down, it may be possible to restore teeth with porcelain veneers. However, if you have suffered any chips or cracks in your enamel, or if you have difficulty biting and chewing, we may recommend using dental crowns for functional support.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Bruxism

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients who are experiencing difficulties because of bruxism can count on our practice for support. In addition to protecting your smile with a custom aligner, we can make plans to restore teeth that have been damaged over time. To learn more, or to make your appointment, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.