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How Can I Put A Stop To My Problems With Dental Sensitivity?

When dental sensitivity starts to affect you, it can take away your ability to enjoy some of your favorite meals, and may even create persistent discomfort that you have to endure. Because there are several issues that can lead to dental sensitivity, it may be hard for you to understand what, exactly, you should do to address the issues. Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is prepared to examine your smile during a routine dental appointment in order to let you know why this problem has started to affect you. With that information, we can make plans to help you deal with the matter, and stop enduring recurring discomfort.

We Can Help You Understand Why Dental Sensitivity Has Become A Problem

People experience different types of dental sensitivity for different reasons. Sometimes, dental wear and tear can lead to teeth becoming more sensitive. You can also have problems because your gum line has receded, and exposed portions of your teeth that naturally have less protection. If you have discomfort that affects a specific tooth, it may be because of a cavity.

Should You Be Concerned About Enamel Erosion?

Some degree of enamel erosion can occur over time, but the problem can lead to issues with sensitivity, and even a change in the color of your teeth. Changing your diet can help you avoid further erosion – people who often eat acidic foods can unknowingly weaken their enamel. Wear and tear from teeth grinding can also weaken your teeth. If your smile appears discolored, or if you are starting to deal with frequent sensitivity issues, we can talk with you about your treatment options.

The Importance Of Staying Consistent With Dental Checkups

Dental sensitivity is not the only problem that can start to affect a person over time. Changes in your diet, habits, and even the condition of your teeth can impact your relative cavity risk over time. You can also develop problems like bruxism that can lead to chronic pain and dental damage. How can you make sure your teeth remain protected over time? At every regular dental exam, your smile is thoroughly checked for any signs of trouble that might need to be addressed. Being regularly updated about the condition of your smile can help you avoid problems before they start to affect your life!

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Problems With Dental Sensitivity

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are prepared to talk to you about your issues with dental sensitivity. We have experience taking care of patients of all ages, with a range of different needs. If you want to book an appointment, or if you have questions about the condition of your teeth, you can reach our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.