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When Does Dental Wear And Tear Become A Concern?

Dental wear and tear is just one of many signs of aging that can be difficult to avoid over time. Biting and chewing can gradually start to wear down your enamel, and that can create a noticeable change in the way your smile looks. While this can be a natural event, you should be concerned if you feel this problem is affecting your dental function, or causing problems for your appearance. As with any other change to your body over time, smart preventive care can help you limit these changes. Avoid chewing on hard surfaces, and talk to your dentist if you think you might be grinding your teeth at night in order to prevent excess wear and tear. Your Seattle, WA dentist can provide cosmetic improvements, or help you maintain strong, healthy enamel.

Your Routine Biting And Chewing Can Lead To Some Wear And Tear Over Time

Biting and chewing activity can gradually wear down enamel over time, though some people can see more changes than others. Even though enamel is a remarkably strong material, you have to tear and break down food products several times a day – over the course of many years, even healthy enamel can start to be affected. By staying consistent with regular dental checkups, you can receive updates about the condition of your smile, and receive warnings if it appears wear and tear is becoming a concern.

Issues That Can Cause Concerning Wear And Tear

If your teeth are becoming significantly worn, or if you are starting to see changes over a relatively short period, bruxism may be responsible. People who develop a tendency to grind their teeth at night can cause visible harm to their teeth due to continued pressure. Bruxism can eventually lead to chronic jaw pain, and it may leave your teeth chipped or cracked badly enough to require restorative dental work. You can also cause worrying wear and tear by idly chewing on hard surfaces. Ice cubes, pen caps, and other items that people grind with their teeth can put you at risk for dental damage and generally increase the friction that affects your enamel.

Stay Informed About The Condition Of Your Teeth By Staying Consistent With Dental Exams

When your dentist has regular opportunities to study your smile, you can receive valuable early warnings about problems with your oral health. By recognizing problems with wear and tear, your dentist can recommend changes in your habits, or recommend treatment for bruxism. These visits also help you stay safe against problems like cavities and gum disease, which can create long-term problems for your smile when left untreated.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Help You Keep Your Teeth In Good Condition

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are prepared to help patients deal with problems that might affect the condition of their teeth. We can also recommend cosmetic treatments to restore your smile if it has been affected by wear and tear. To find out more, please contact our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.