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Gingivitis And Bleeding Gums – What’s The Connection?

Is gingivitis responsible for your tendency to bleed when you brush and floss your teeth? Sensitivity to bleeding is one of several symptoms of this condition. If gingivitis is affecting your gums, you can look for additional symptoms like swelling, or reddened tissues. To fight problems with your periodontal health, make sure you clean at the base of your teeth every time you brush and floss, and meet with your Seattle, WA dentist. As part of our preventive services, we can provide you with a scaling and root planing. This special cleaning is more involved than the standard cleaning provided during a routine dental exam, as it targets portions of your teeth that are covered by your gums.

If Your Gums Frequently Bleed, The Problem Could Be With An Infection

Even if you are aware of why your gums have been bleeding, the problem can still be concerning. After all, untreated gum disease can become difficult to manage, and may end up becoming a long-term issue if you do not undergo treatment in time. The good news is that gingivitis can be reversed so that it does not cause continued trouble.

Discussing Periodontal Care With Your Dentist

If you make an appointment to discuss periodontal troubles with your dentist, or if your dentist notices signs of gingivitis during your appointment, you can make plans to undergo a scaling and root planing procedure. This procedure targets the spaces where bacteria have gathered beneath your gum line, so the agents responsible for your troubles with gingivitis can be addressed. Through this procedure, an infection can be addressed in order to restore the health of your gums, or to control your risk for problems growing worse.

How Can I Avoid Future Problems With Gingivitis?

Better daily oral care is good for more than just protecting you from cavities that require dental fillings or dental crowns – when you clean your teeth, you remove harmful bacteria that can cause gingivitis. If you want to make sure you are doing an effective job of this, pay attention to the motions you use when brushing and flossing. If you are not doing a good job cleaning at your gum line, you can have a difficult time stopping problems with gingivitis from occurring. If you are unsure why you have struggled to prevent periodontal problems over time, your dentist can talk to you about possible changes you might want to make to your smile care routine.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Gingivitis Concerns

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are prepared to help patients deal with their periodontal troubles. In order to fight gingivitis, we can provide a scaling and root planing to address the harmful agents that have caused an infection to occur. For more information, or to arrange your next appointment, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.