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Fully Restoring Your Smile After A Dental Injury

Dental injuries range in severity, but even minor damage can become a big concern for your smile and oral health. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we are prepared to help you take care of dental trauma. For relatively minor harm, we can find conservative solutions through cosmetic dentistry. If the matter is serious enough to affect your bite function or oral health, we are prepared to offer restorative dental work that can restore your smile’s health and appearance. If you are concerned about your smile after an injury, it can be beneficial to seek treatment promptly. An injury that seems minor at first may worsen over time, as a chip or crack in your enamel can grow due to pressure on your tooth.

Dental Injuries Can Create Serious Concerns For Your Smile

If you experience a dental injury, it can affect the way you look as well as your ability to comfortably bite and chew food. One chipped or cracked tooth can be a distraction, and make you unhappy with your appearance. Our teeth are limited in their ability to recover from physical damage, so a relatively small amount of harm can be permanent unless it is treated. If you have a lingering issue like dental pain, or if you are concerned about the tooth suffering further damage, it can affect your bite function, and may lead to additional problems as you overuse certain teeth.

We Can Take Care Of Your Smile And Oral Health Through Modern Treatments

Our approach to restoring your smile can vary, as we are prepared to help patients deal with different degrees of trauma.

  • If your tooth injury affects the way you look, but does not affect your oral health, we can recommend cosmetic dental work. Porcelain veneers are often used to restore teeth that are physically harmed. These thin shells provide lasting improvements by covering the front surfaces of teeth – they can match the look and color of your surrounding teeth so that they fit in easily with your smile. We can also discuss treatment through bonding and contouring work, which can produce improvements without permanent restorations.
  • If your dentist is worried about your oral health, restorative dental work can be called for to address your injury. Dental crowns can provide protection for vulnerable teeth by covering them, and taking biting and chewing pressure on their behalf. They can be made to imitate healthy teeth, so they also offer cosmetic benefits. Teeth sometimes experience internal trauma after an injury. If this is the case for you, we can perform a root canal treatment.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Is Ready To Restore Your Smile After A Dental Injury

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are prepared to restore your smile if you have experienced a dental injury! To find out more about our services, or to set your appointment, you can contact our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.