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My Gums Have Started To Bleed When I Brush – What Do I Do?

It seems like the start of any other day, until you brush your teeth and notice that your gums are bleeding. Why is this happening? Did you simply use too much force while brushing, or is something else the matter? If your gums tend to bleed easily whenever you clean your teeth, it can be a sign that they are infected. This is one of several symptoms that can affect you if you have gingivitis. Fortunately, in the early stages of an infection, it is possible to reverse the condition and regain healthy tissues. In addition to protecting yourself with better brushing and flossing habits, you can count on support from your Seattle, WA dentist during your routine dental checkups. In addition to standard preventive services, we can provide a scaling and root planing to directly address gingivitis.

Your Gums Can Bleed Easily When You Have Gingivitis

When your gums develop an infection, known as gingivitis, you can identify problems with bleeding. You can also recognize problems like swelling and discoloration. While gingivitis can be reversed with proper care, it is important to treat the matter as a serious concern. If it is not addressed in time, the infection can become more serious, making it more difficult to treat.

Your Dentist Can Recommend A Special Periodontal Cleaning To Address Your Infection

At a routine dental checkup, your dentist is going to look for more than just signs that you might need cavity treatment. For the sake of your long-term smile health, it is important that we check on the condition of your gums. Patients who signs of gingivitis can be treated with a scaling and root planing procedure. This procedure removes bacteria that have already gathered beneath your gums. By cleaning these spaces directly, we can give your gums the chance to heal so that you recover from the problem.

Tips To Protect You From Future Issues With Gingivitis

How can you make sure you do not develop future issues with gingivitis? If you want to avoid these problems, pay attention to what you do when you clean your teeth each day. If you are not cleaning at your gum line on a consistent basis, you can make it easier for bacteria to build up and eventually cause infections. Better care also helps you lower your risk for cavities, so you can avoid the need for any dental fillings or dental crowns in the future.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Your Concerns Over Gums That Bleed Easily

At Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA, patients who show signs of gingivitis can count on us to help! By performing a scaling and root planing, we can directly target the bacteria buildup that are attacking your tissues and causing problems for you. To learn more, or to make an appointment at our practice, call Hygge Laser Dentistry today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.