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Ask Your Dentist Questions About Dental Sensitivity

Living with dental sensitivity can be difficult, especially as your discomfort forces you to give up on some of your favorite foods and drinks. Unfortunately, some people with this problem will try to ignore it, or hope it resolves itself over time, which can lead to them ignoring a potentially serious problem. Your Seattle, WA dentist can help you understand why you have problems with sensitivity. If your condition is connected to poor oral health, we may need to provide restorative dental work to stop your problem from worsening. In other cases, we can talk with you during a routine dental checkup about making changes that make you more comfortable.

Several Issues Can Lead To Dental Sensitivity

There is not a single cause for all types of dental sensitivity. It may have to do with changes in your enamel, the movement of your gum line, or even a problem with the health of certain teeth. Because there are several issues that can lead to pain or sensitivity, it is important to have your problem reviewed by an oral health professional.

Will I Need Restorative Dental Work To Address My Sensitive Teeth?

If you have problems with dental sensitivity because of an injured or cavity-affected tooth, it is important to arrange restorative dental work to address the situation. A tooth that develops an infection because of decay or an injury can experience worsening problems over time. Eventually, the matter could become so serious that your tooth has to be extracted! Fortunately, this type of response can be avoided when you bring a matter to your dentist’s attention when you think something might be wrong. If an infection is identified in time, it can be addressed with a root canal procedure. If a problem with sensitivity is not traced back to an issue like this, your dentist can review different treatments or daily changes that can help you.

Are You Staying Informed About Your Oral Health?

If you want to avoid problems like dental sensitivity, regular dental exams are helpful. By keeping up with these appointments, you give your dentist regular opportunities to see what state your teeth and gums are in, and recommend care when appropriate. Sometimes, this can mean providing a scaling and root planing to stop gingivitis from negatively affecting your gum line. At other times, this can mean receiving a dental filling to restore a tooth in poor health.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Talk With You About Dental Sensitivity

At Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA, patients who struggle with dental sensitivity can come to us for important support. After a review of your oral health, we can determine why sensitivity has become a concern for you before recommending the appropriate care. To find out more, or to make an appointment, call Hygge Laser Dentistry today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.