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A Cosmetic Procedure Can Make Your Smile More Symmetrical

Some people who feel self-conscious about their smile can point to specific issues with specific teeth that bother them. For others, the problem is less concerned with individual teeth and more with their general appearance. This can be the case if discrepancies in the shape, size, or alignment of certain teeth make your smile appear asymmetrical. If you feel that your smile looks uneven, out of balance, or otherwise flawed due to poor symmetry, cosmetic dentistry can help! At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we provide several services that focus on boosting your confidence in your appearance. After a consultation, you can find that improvements might require less time or work than you assume!

Smile Symmetry Can Have A Big Impact On Your Overall Appearance

The symmetry of your smile can be affected by several issues. A single tooth that appears damaged, or the wrong size, can throw off your appearance in a frustrating way. It can also be upsetting to see how relatively minor alignment problems cause your smile to appear uneven. After studying your teeth and overall smile, your dentist can help you determine how asymmetry is affecting you, and what the right procedure could do to help.

We Can Plan A Personalized Cosmetic Procedure For You

Your individual smile deserves more than a “general” approach to cosmetic dentistry. After talking with you and examining your smile, we can work out a plan to help you feel more confident with your smile. To restore the shape, size, and color of teeth that seem out of place, we can recommend porcelain veneers. Veneers are custom-made for your individual teeth in order to hide damages, discoloration, and issues with shape and size. Through careful contouring and bonding work, we may be able to change the symmetry of your smile without placing restorations. This can result in your teeth looking brighter, healthier, and more uniform after just one appointment!

Addressing Poor Dental Alignment With Invisalign

If poor dental alignment is a concern for you and your smile, we do offer treatment with Invisalign appliances. You can steadily move teeth into better positions through treatment without conspicuous metal braces. The aligners you receive will be difficult for others to notice, and they can be easily put in place and removed at the appropriate times.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Make Your Smile More Symmetrical

At Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA, we are ready to work with patients who are worried about the symmetry of their smile. You can discuss the benefits of a cosmetic dental procedure for making teeth look brighter, healthier, and more uniform. This work can be completed with conservative changes, and it can lead to long-term improvements! To find out more, call Hygge Laser Dentistry today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.