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How You And Your Dentist Work Together To Protect Your Smile

Every day should see you put time and effort into protecting your smile from potential harm. Those measures can take direct form, like when you brush and floss your teeth. Efforts can also be indirect – in addition to helping you manage your overall health, your typical diet can control your risk for dental decay if you limit your intake of sugars. While you play an obviously important role in fighting for the health of your smile, you are not the only person who should be invested in the condition of your teeth! You should make regular trips to see your dentist for routine dental care. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, patients can count on important preventive dental services every time they come in for an appointment.

An Effective Oral Care Strategy Can Keep You Safe From Tooth Decay And Gum Disease

Oral bacteria put our smiles at risk for problems with tooth decay, as well as issues with gum disease. When these problems are not prevented, or properly managed, they can become serious oral health concerns. Over time, tooth decay can do more and more harm to your tooth structure until exposing you to an internal infection. Once this occurs, it will take a root canal treatment to fully stop a cavity. Untreated gum disease can also be an issue, as the problem can lead to worrying tissue damage and even tooth loss if it is not managed.

What To Expect When You Come In For A Routine Checkup

When you come in for a routine dental exam, your dentist will make sure your smile is closely studied for any signs of tooth decay or gum disease. When these problems are found and treated early, their impact on your well-being can be limited. Gingivitis can be reversed, so your gum tissues are no longer at risk. While a cavity’s damage is permanent, we can find and treat the problem when a dental filling is all that is needed for your tooth. These visits also provide preventive care through regular teeth cleanings, which lead to the removal of harmful materials like plaque and tartar.

Tips For Taking Better Care Of Your Teeth Between Your Visits

If you want to make sure your smile is staying healthy between appointments, be consistent and thorough when you clean your teeth. Make sure you floss every day, and be attentive to your gum line when you are taking care of your smile. You can also protect yourself by watching out for acidic and sugary products, as these items raise your risk for dental troubles.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Help You Protect Your Smile!

At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, patients can count on our support during every routine exam! We take care to protect individuals from various smile threats, and we can provide prompt care if any problems are identified. Please call Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA today at 206-789-2555 to learn more, or to set an appointment.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.