serving ballard since 1974

Custom Veneers Can Restore Teeth That Look Jagged Or Worn

A smile that once boosted your confidence may start to hurt it over time due to cosmetic flaws that form gradually. While teeth stains are a common threat, you may not realize just how much trouble wear and tear can be for your appearance. Continually biting and chewing can start to change the shape of your teeth, leaving them looking older and less healthy. You can have more problems with wear and tear if you struggle with teeth grinding. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we can help you take care of these problems by providing porcelain veneers. Through this cosmetic dental procedure, patients can see changes to the shape, size, and color of teeth that are starting to take on a worn appearance.

Damaged Or Naturally Misshapen Teeth Can Affect The Quality Of Your Smile

Even if your teeth are in good health, they may start to look less attractive because of gradual wear and tear. Some degree of wear can be difficult to avoid, as our teeth have to endure years of continued friction every time we eat. However, the problem can be more noticeable for some than others. If you have a history of issues with bruxism, or if your enamel is naturally weaker, the visible changes to your tooth shape can start to alarm you. Fortunately, a cosmetic procedure can help.

What Will The Placement Of Porcelain Veneers Involve?

In order to place porcelain veneers, your dentist will first meet with you to take measurements of your teeth. This is done in order to gather details for the creation of custom restorations that effectively take on problems with the way your teeth look. In addition to taking measurements your dentist can perform preliminary work to make space for your veneers. Once they are ready, you can return to have them permanently bonded. The bonding process can ensure that your veneers remain in position for many years to offer continued support for the way you look.

Reviewing Other Procedures That Can Restore Your Smile

In addition to restoring teeth with veneers, we can help deal with worn or misshapen teeth by performing a dental bonding and contouring procedure. Bonding and contouring can make positive smile changes possible without restorations, which can mean a more conservative cosmetic treatment. If you need more than just cosmetic support for worn teeth, we may recommend using dental crowns. For especially vulnerable teeth, crowns can be used to provide protection and better bite support.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Restoring Your Jagged Or Worn Teeth

At Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA, individuals who are embarrassed by jagged or worn teeth can reach out to schedule cosmetic care! To learn more about the procedures that we offer, or to discuss any other matter concerning your smile, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.