serving ballard since 1974

Can I Enjoy My Morning Coffee Without Staining My Teeth?

How likely are you to consume at least one cup of coffee during your typical morning? Do you often rely on caffeine to help carry you through the day? These beverages can feel important to the start of your day, but they can become a concern for you if you are starting to notice a change in the color of your smile. Coffee, along with tea, red wine, soda, and other dark or color-rich beverages, can leave particles on our teeth that lead to stains. Unfortunately, it can be hard to fully remove them once they have formed, even if you take home a whitening kit from your local store or pharmacy. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we are able to help you fight accumulated stains through a professional whitening treatment. We offer different approaches to this service, and can even provide a deep treatment thanks to the KöR teeth-whitening system. We should note that if you have discoloration due to another factor, it may be necessary to use an alternative cosmetic dental procedure.

Stains Can Be Difficult To Avoid, Even With Good Oral Care Habits In Place

We often fail to recognize just how many products we consume that are able to leave stains behind. Coffee and other beverages are common reasons for stains, and there are also many different food products that can cause discoloration. You can fight some stain buildup by keeping consistent with a good brushing and flossing routine. Unfortunately, this may not fully protect you, as people can slowly pick up stains even as their preventive dental care habits keep them safe from cavities.

Using The KöR Teeth-Whitening System To Remove Stubborn Stains

The KöR teeth-whitening system makes it possible to remove stains that are especially deep or distracting. The process relies on a combination of in-office care and take-home treatments that allow you to clear away the particles that have dulled or discolored your enamel. This process is able to help people who worry that a typical professional whitening treatment might be insufficient against their stains.

Sweetened Coffee Drinks Can Also Be A Cavity Risk

If you prefer to drink a specialty coffee that is higher in sugar, your morning beverage could do more than just cause teeth stains. Too many of these sweet, caffeinated drinks can lead to cavities, which means you can wind up needing restorative dental work. Be careful about how many high-sugar products you fit into your day, and make sure you stay consistent with your oral hygiene routine to stop cavities from forming.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Taking Care Of Teeth Stains

At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, individuals who are worried about teeth stains can reach out to our practice to talk about treatment options. If you have questions, or if you are ready to plan a cosmetic dental procedure, call Hygge Laser Dentistry today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.