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Dental Sedation Can Ease Anxiety Around Restorative Work

While few people are going to be enthusiastic about scheduling treatment for tooth decay, putting off care can become a problem. If you let a cavity’s growth go on unchallenged, you can be at risk for an infection that makes the tooth painful or sensitive. You should know that when tooth decay is not addressed, bacteria can cause so much harm that there is no way to save it! Unfortunately, it can be difficult for people to commit to restorative dental work even when they are aware that they have a serious problem. If you have anxieties around dental work that make you reluctant to book a visit, our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can help by providing dental sedation. Sedation can help you remain calm even as you remain aware of what is happening during your treatment.

Does The Idea Of Restorative Dental Work Make You Uncomfortable?

Are you someone who always feels nervous about seeing a dentist? Many people struggle with some degree of dental anxiety, which can make it hard for them to book care that they need. While some individuals may find it hard to even go in for a routine dental exam, others may not experience discomfort until they find out they need restorative work. In other words, you may find yourself freezing at the thought of a trip to the dentist’s for cavity treatment, despite generally feeling comfortable in this environment. In a situation like this, sedation can be beneficial.

What Can Dental Sedation Really Do For You?

When patients receive dental sedation, they can fall into a state of relaxation while remaining conscious. Administering a sedative can help you feel comfortable at a time when you might otherwise struggle to hold onto your composure, and it can help you remain comfortable if you need to schedule a longer dental procedure. There are different degrees of sedation available, so we can help you find the right degree of support. Nitrous oxide offers a less potent effect, but that effect can dissipate quickly and not affect you after treatment. While an oral sedative can produce a stronger feeling of calm, its effects can last longer, which can leave you needing support when leaving our practice.

Avoid Future Problems With Your Smile By Attending Regular Exams

Remember that if you want to avoid a procedure like a root canal treatment, or even the placement of a dental filling, you should schedule routine dental exams. These visits keep harmful bacteria from building up on your teeth, and they create chances for your dentist to evaluate the health of your smile so problems can be pointed out and addressed.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Dental Sedation!

Your Seattle, WA dentist is ready to provide sedation to patients who might feel uneasy about a dental procedure. For more information, call Hygge Laser Dentistry today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.