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Does Your Oral Care Routine Keep You Safe Against Tartar?

Why should you be concerned about tartar accumulation? Tartar formation occurs when plaque deposits remain on teeth and harden, becoming difficult to remove. If you have tartar deposits on your smile, they can resist your efforts to remove them by brushing and flossing, so they can continue to put you at risk for problems that can require restorative dental work. As part of our commitment to protecting your smile and preventing trouble from occurring, we provide professional dental cleanings that can remove tartar buildup. This is one of many services provided by your Seattle, WA dentist that can keep you safe against potential oral health issues.

Why Should You Worry About Tartar Buildup?

If you have accumulated tartar on your teeth, you can be vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease. While you are able to remove plaque before tartar formation occurs, this hardened material can remain in place despite your daily efforts to remove harmful agents from your smile. Tartar buildup can be a particularly serious issue if you are not consistently attending dental exams, as you will miss out on the professional cleanings that can clear it away.

Regular Dental Cleanings Remove Any Tartar Deposits Found On Your Teeth

At every regular teeth cleaning, your hygienist thoroughly checks your teeth for any signs of plaque, tartar, and food debris. Harmful substances that are present can be carefully cleared away so that you no longer have to worry about their ability to harm your smile. A typical cleaning lowers your risk for tooth decay, and it can make you less susceptible to gingivitis. If there are already signs of gingivitis present when your smile is evaluated, we can use a special periodontal cleaning to remove bacteria below your gum line, which allows you to recover.

Other Benefits Of Scheduling Preventive Dental Appointments

By staying consistent with regular dental checkups, you can have an easier time preventing issues that might require dental fillings or dental crowns. While your cleaning helps you prevent problems, your dentist’s review of your smile can lead to the discovery of any issues that might call for professional care. The time it takes for a cavity to be found and treated is important, as your tooth can suffer increasing damage from decay until it is identified and addressed.

Your Seattle, WA Dentist Can Keep You Safe Against Tartar Buildup

At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, individuals who want to protect their smile from harm should remain consistent about regular dental checkups. At each appointment, you receive a thorough cleaning in addition to a review from your dentist. These services make it easier for you to preserve your healthy smile, and stay free of problems that might require treatment. To find out more, or to make your next appointment, call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.