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Taking Care Of Your Smile Can Benefit Your Overall Health

When you brush and floss your teeth, what are you really doing for your health? Obviously, these habits are in place to protect you against tooth decay and gum disease. People often think of oral hygiene as a matter of protecting the health and appearance of their smile, but they do not recognize the role that dental care plays in maintaining their overall health. If your hygiene is not being properly maintained, you can allow harmful oral bacteria to enter your mouth and cause different health concerns. You can also be vulnerable to health complications if you develop periodontal disease. While our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is committed to helping our patients protect their teeth and gums from harm, we want our patients to know that their oral health can be more important to their well-being than they might realize!

Fighting The Buildup Of Oral Bacteria Is Important

Throughout the day, oral bacteria can build up in our mouths. To fight this, you should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once. When those bacteria are able to remain in place, they can form stubborn tartar deposits that raise your risk for problems that can require restorative dental work. There is also the possibility that oral bacteria may travel to different parts of your body, creating new issues. Periodontal health issues can be particularly concerning, as studies exploring the links between oral and general health have seen potential problems from gum disease.

The Health Of Your Gums Can Affect Your General Well-Being

When gingivitis forms, good oral care at home and through your dentist’s office can stop the condition before it worsens. This means that many people are able to reverse the effects of an infection before they have complications to worry about. With that said, you should be concerned about the possibility of periodontal disease affecting your health. This infection can make managing other conditions harder, and it may make you more vulnerable to heart troubles! our practice does provide special periodontal cleanings for patients who are showing signs of gingivitis during a preventive dental appointment.

Worried About Your Current Smile Care Routine? We Have Some Helpful Tips

What can you do to make sure that your smile is safe against oral health threats? Taking the time to think about your current routine can be important, particularly after a recent cavity has led to the placement of a dental filling or dental crown. Make sure you are prioritizing thoroughness over aggressive brushing when you clean your smile, and that you floss every day You should also make a point to maintain a smart diet in order to limit your consumption of sugar, which provides food for harmful bacteria.

Our Seattle, WA Dentist’s Office Helps Patients Of All Ages Care For Their Oral Health

Hygge Laser Dentistry offers quality smile care to people in and around Seattle, WA. If you have questions about our services, or if you would like to learn more about us, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.