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3 Habits That Can Help You Keep Your Smile Healthy

What do you gain by taking care of your smile? Your efforts to keep your teeth safe against tooth decay and gum disease have more benefits than you might realize. Fighting the buildup of plaque and tartar can help you maintain your appearance, and you can have an easier time maintaining your general health when your oral health is being smartly managed. While regular dental exams with your Seattle, WA dentist have their part to play in protecting your smile, the quality of your daily oral health care is also important. If you are not confident in your current oral care routine, take the time to think about how you can make changes in your daily life that might help you prevent cavities, gingivitis, and other oral health issues!

1. Make Sure You Floss Each Day

Flossing helps you do more than just safely dislodge items that have become wedged between teeth. Harmful microbes gather between our teeth throughout the day, and they can remain in place if you are only caring for your smile by brushing. Put time into flossing on a daily basis so that you can remove these unwelcome bacteria before they form plaque, or accumulate and harden to form tartar. Doing this can make you less likely to develop a cavity, and it can protect you against gingivitis.

2. Start Drinking Water With Meals Instead Of Soft Drinks

Soft drinks are acidic, they tend to be high in sugar, and they can stain your teeth. All of these issues make them a particular concern for your oral health. When you drink water instead of soda, you can spare your smile the potential harm that this beverage can do. You can also have an easier time staying hydrated,which can make it easier for your body to protect itself against oral health threats.

3. Manage Your Stress Levels Before Bedtime To Avoid Nightly Teeth Grinding

Dental damage from teeth grinding can be serious, particularly if you continue to grind or clench at night. For persistent issues with grinding, a custom oral appliance can be beneficial. You should also take care to cut this habit by controlling your tendency to grind or clench while awake, by reducing your caffeine and alcohol consumption, and by making an effort to reduce stress at night. People who do not take action in time can develop a flawed smile because of wear and tear, or even damage teeth badly enough to require dental crowns!

Your Seattle, WA Dentist Can Help You Keep Your Smile Healthy

At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we take pride in helping patients of all ages take care of their teeth. While the care you receive during a checkup is important, it is not a substitute for good habits at home! For more information about our practice, call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.