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What Help Can My Dentist Provide During An Emergency Visit?

When a problem with your oral health causes an alarming amount of pain, or makes you worry about the health of a damaged, loose, or lost tooth, it can call for emergency dental work. Your Seattle, WA dentist’s office is prepared to help individuals who find themselves suffering from a problem that calls for urgent attention. The process of caring for you during an emergency means more than just putting work into restoring the health of a tooth. Once this is done, we can make sure it remains safe by arranging to have a custom dental restoration placed on it.

Bring A Dental Emergency To Your Dentist Instead Of The Emergency Room

Unless your dental problem has also put your general well-being at risk, you should turn to your dentist and not an emergency room for help. In addition to freeing up a clinic to help people with other issues, you should know that your can bring an urgent oral health matter to someone who is committed to providing oral health care.

When Are Emergency Visits A Good Idea?

Several problems may justify a trip to the dentist for emergency work. You may require emergency services if you develop a severe or persistent dental pain, including one that makes biting and chewing difficult. Physical trauma can also call for emergency dental work. When injuries occur, it can be important to seek treatment promptly. Until work is done, the tooth can suffer further physical damage that affects its condition. It is also possible for an injured tooth to become infected, which can put it in jeopardy of being lost. In this scenario, there may be a limited time where treatment can save a vulnerable tooth!

Your Emergency Appointment Can Lead To Quality Restorative Dental Work

An emergency dental procedure can help you recover your smile as well as your oral health. The first goal during emergency work is to take care of a patient’s health. This may involve a root canal procedure to deal with an internal dental problem. After this is completed, we can arrange to have a custom dental crown placed on your tooth. If your emergency treatment is not able to save a badly injured or lost tooth, we can make arrangements to fix your smile with a dental bridge.

Your Seattle, WA Dentist Can Help Patients During Dental Emergencies

Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is prepared to take care of patients when they experience dental emergencies. In these visits, we can take care to address pain and sensitivity, ensure that the tooth remains healthy, and provide you with a durable custom restoration. If you have questions about our emergency services, or if you wish to learn more about the general procedures we offer, call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.