serving ballard since 1974

Are You Having Trouble Putting Pressure On A Tooth?

If you no longer feel comfortable putting pressure on a certain tooth, the change in your bite function can create more problems than you might realize. Increasing the work done by surrounding teeth can lead to more friction, and ultimately lead to greater wear and tear. You may also begin to struggle with jaw pains, and increase your chances of developing troubles with teeth grinding. Of course, this ignores another concern – you could be ignoring an oral health problem that will continue to worsen without treatment! If you think something might be wrong with a tooth because it is too sore or sensitive to support bite pressure, our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can help. By restoring the health of your tooth, we can make sure a potential problem is resolved before the issue worsens, and before you develop lasting problems with your bite.

Injuries And Dental Decay Can Lead To Bite Problems

A tooth that has been injured, or one that is affected by dental decay, can lead to troubles with your bite. Discomfort in a single tooth may be enough to change the way you bite and chew, which can affect the pressure being placed on your jaw joints and muscles. Unfortunately, the discomfort from these problems can persist, and even worsen, as a tooth’s health can continually worsen without care.

Restoring A Problem Tooth With A Custom Dental Crown

If a broken, sore, or sensitive tooth currently affects you, our practice can discuss the placement of a dental crown. Once a crown has been custom-made for your tooth, it can be secured over it so that you no longer have to worry about discomfort from biting and chewing. It may be necessary to address problems with pain through a root canal treatment. A root canal can return an infected tooth to good health before its condition worsens. It should be noted that problems with internal infection or injury can eventually lead to a tooth being lost if no treatment is provided.

Other Signs Of Poor Oral Health That May Call For Treatment

Pain and sensitivity often indicate that something is wrong with your tooth. However, these are not the only issues that may arise. You can also notice swelling around a tooth, or observe a change in its color. Because dental problems can lead to tooth loss and the spread of bacteria without treatment, you should reach out to address these matters once they start to affect you.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist If Pain Or Sensitivity Affect Your Ability To Bite And Chew

Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can help patients who are struggling to bite and chew without discomfort. If you are experiencing issues because of dental pain or sensitivity, treatment can lead to important improvements. For more information, call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.