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Are Caffeinated Products Negatively Affecting Your Smile?

example of a caffeinated beverageIf you choose to not brush your teeth for a day, it can be easy to see how your inaction might hurt your oral health. It may seem obvious to point out how your behaviors can affect your smile, you may not realize just how many of your actions have the potential to affect your risk for problems like tooth decay. People who rely on caffeine to help them stay alert during the typical day may be surprised at the effect their beverage choices are having on their smile, particularly if they favor drinks that are higher in sugar. Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office has experience helping patients keep their teeth healthy. In addition to providing in-office support through cleanings and dental exams, we can help you identify habits you should change in order to avoid future oral health issues!

Your Beverage Choices Can Affect Your Ability To Protect Your Smile

What should you do during the day if you want to lower your risk for cavities? While people tend to know that cutting back on their sugar intake can help them, they may be slow to make changes that help them protect their teeth from decay. Your beverage choices can be a worrying source of sugar, particularly if you regularly consume caffeinated beverages. Energy drinks and soft drinks can be high in sugar as well as acidic, which can further weaken teeth and make you more likely to require dental fillings or dental crowns in the future.

While some sources of caffeine are effectively sugar-free, you should still be cautious about overindulging. Coffee and tea can cause dry mouth, and both are able to leave stains on your teeth that hurt the quality of your appearance.

Soft Drinks Can Be Particularly Troubling For Your Teeth

How likely are you to pair your next meal with a soft drink? Do you often have sodas with meals? These drinks can lead to teeth stains and cavities, and their acidic nature can weaken your enamel, making teeth more susceptible to harm. If you replace pop beverages with water more often, you can protect your teeth while also enjoying better hydration. If you have access to water with fluoride, you can even help your teeth become more resistant to problems.

Are You Consuming More Caffeine Due To Sleep Troubles?

Some people who rely on caffeine’s assistance do so because they struggle with poor rest. Lacking sleep may have more impact on the condition of your teeth than you realize. Exhaustion can make you inattentive, and less likely to do a good job brushing and flossing. If your poor rest is partly caused by issues with teeth grinding, ignoring the problem can lead to dental damage!

Seattle Families Can Count On Quality Care From Hygge Laser Dentistry

At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we have experience helping patients who want to stay safe against tooth decay and other oral health threats. To learn more about our services, call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.