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How Can I Tell If My Toothache Is Being Caused By A Cavity?

If you have a toothache, it can be hard not to believe that something might be wrong with your oral health. That does not mean that every small discomfort is a sign of urgent trouble, of course. For example, people sometimes experience tooth pain due to sinus problems. With that said, you should take your concerns seriously, and you should certainly worry if discomfort is not ceasing over an extended period of time. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, patients who worry about a toothache can meet with us to discuss their oral health. A toothache can be a sign of infection, which means that the matter will worsen until a root canal procedure is performed.

A Problem With A Toothache Should Be Taken Seriously

Ignoring a problem can seem easier in the moment, but it can put you at greater risk for oral health issues at a later point. You may be ignoring a symptom of a tooth infection. Infections occur when cavities are not caught in time, as well as when injuries create internal problems. In time, the damage can become serious enough to make extracting a tooth necessary. There is also the potential development of new health issues, as the spread of bacteria can lead to problems with your general health.

Arranging Treatment For An Advanced Cavity

An advanced cavity or internal injury can be addressed through root canal treatment. During this procedure, care is taken to remove damaged or infected tissues, which can put an end to ongoing problems with pain and sensitivity. As part of your treatment, your dentist will carefully seal your tooth’s pulp in order to stop future problems with damage or bacteria. After we perform this service, we can restore a patient’s tooth with a lifelike dental crown.

Is There A Way To Identify A Cavity Before It Causes Discomfort?

If you are consistent about seeing your dentist for preventive care, you can have cavity problems identified before infections occur. At each evaluation, your dentist will take time to seek signs of decay that can still be addressed with a dental filling. While a cavity at this stage still does permanent harm, the amount of harm can ultimately be limited.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist’s Office If You Are Bothered By A Toothache

Your Seattle, WA dentist’s office has experience treating patients concerned over persistent toothaches. If you are starting to worry about the degree of pain affecting your tooth, or if you want to make sure you are free of problems, set up an appointment! We provide a range of services that help patients maintain and improve their dental health. To find out more about our services, please call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.