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These Brushing Mistakes May Be Hurting Your Smile

Because you (hopefully) brush your teeth at least twice a day, and have been doing so for many years, you can feel comfortable with your routine. Is that comfort causing you to overlook small mistakes that raise your risk for dental decay and gum disease? In some cases, people who feel they are doing enough to keep their teeth healthy will find that they need restorative dental work at their next dental exam. Part of why they are surprised is that they have habits that are less effective than they realize. Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can provide guidance for you when it comes to daily dental care, just as we can offer preventive care in the office to help you avoid future issues.

How Long Should It Take You To Brush Your Teeth?

If you are not doing so already, make sure you start brushing for at least two minutes during every session. Brushing for less time can become a problem, as it can leave harder to reach areas of your smile poorly cleaned. In time, that leads to the formation of tartar, which pushes up your vulnerability to cavities and gum disease. If you are not sure whether you give yourself at least two minutes to clean your smile, set a timer and see how natural or uncomfortable brushing for this span of time feels.

Be Careful About Aggressive Brushing

Fighting plaque and tartar with aggressive brushing may sound like a good idea to some, but it can actually carry unintended consequences. The first thing you should know is that harder brush strokes will not help you remove tartar buildup. Once tartar deposits have developed on teeth, it will take a professional teeth cleaning to remove them. Aggressive brushing is also an issue because it can cause more friction, which can gradually wear down your enamel and make you more likely to suffer cavities. Wear and tear can also make it easier to pick up staining particles that leave your teeth discolored and dull.

You May Be Overdue For A New Toothbrush

A toothbrush becomes less effective over time because the bristles gradually wear down. After three months, you should purchase a new one so that you continue to see the benefits of dental care. Letting yourself go too long without a replacement can leave you with a less effective brushing routine, which can make it more likely you will need a dental filling or dental crown at your next exam.

Your Seattle, WA Dentist Helps Patients Maintain Healthy, Lovely Smiles

Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is prepared to help patients stay on top of their oral health needs, just as we can help them with any problems that have arisen since their last visit. To find out more, please contact Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.