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Restoring Your Smile When Several Teeth Need Treatment

If you spent too much time away from the dentist’s office, it may take more than one restorative dental procedure to fully return your smile to good health. In this situation, it may be necessary to point out and address multiple problems with tooth decay, or with a combination of issues like tooth decay, gum disease, or even dental damage. Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is prepared to help those who need multiple services to properly restore their smile. Through the appropriate treatment, we can make sure decay and other matters are addressed while also taking care to preserve the quality of your smile. You should be aware that problems like tooth decay worsen when they go untreated, so your treatment needs can become more involved when you put off oral health care.

Has A Long Absence From The Dentist’s Office Hurt Your Smile?

When individuals stay consistent with dental checkups, they receive regular updates about the condition of their smile. This may simply be a warning about tartar buildup or gingivitis, but it also means having problems like tooth decay spotted and treated when only a dental filling is needed. If you are not keeping up with these appointments, several problems may have formed and worsened since your last review. If this has occurred, several treatments will have to occur to make sure your smile is returned to good health.

Scheduling Treatment For Damaged Or Decayed Teeth

Restorative work is provided when teeth are damaged by decay, and also when physical harm has occurred. That harm can come from an injury, or it can be the result of unresolved teeth grinding problems. At an evaluation, we can determine what condition different teeth are in, and what can be done to care for you. Dental fillings “fill” the spaces where decay formed on your enamel. For more severe cavities or injuries, coverage from dental crowns can be recommended.

What Can Happen If You Have A Tooth That Cannot Be Restored?

Unfortunately, some problems will be so serious that there is just not a way to save a tooth. If this happens, we can discuss next steps. A tooth that cannot be saved can be safely extracted to address pain and stop the spread of bacteria. After this occurs, we can give you back your complete smile through prosthetic dental work.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Restoring Your Smile!

If it is necessary to do so, our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can help you fully restore your smile by scheduling multiple procedures. Our goal during any services will be to fully resolve oral health issues while minimizing changes to your tooth structure. We can also preserve your smile by using dental crowns and fillings that closely match the look of healthy enamel. To find out more, please call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.