serving ballard since 1974

Should You Look Into An Enhanced Teeth Whitening Treatment?

While teeth stains can be difficult to avoid entirely, some people have more issues with them than others. If you are someone who has seen their teeth change color by many shades, you may wonder what it will take to regain confidence in your smile. Over the counter whitening agents and whitening toothpastes can have some superficial results, but they can fail to provide the changes that you feel are necessary. Is there something that your Seattle, WA dentist can do to truly improve the way you look? Our practice does offer several approaches to teeth whitening treatment that can interest you. For those who have more significant and stubborn stains, we can actually recommend the KöR whitening treatment. This combination of in-office and at-home whitening can produce stunning results for those with advanced discoloration.

Stubborn Teeth Stains Can Seriously Hurt A Person’s Confidence

Through the consumption of foods and beverages that stain teeth, and the use of tobacco products, you may see significant changes to the color of your smile over time. What can be done about this issue? Using store bought products can lead to frustration, as they can have little impact beyond removing surface stains. If your teeth are many shades duller than they used to be, we can recommend professional whitening treatment. If necessary, we can make plans to move forward with the KöR whitening treatment to attack your discoloration.

Combining In-Office And At-Home Teeth Whitening Procedures

Our office provides whitening treatments in the office, and we allow patients to take home kits that include personalized whitening trays and bleaching agents they can use at home. If you are struggling with significant stains, we can make arrangements to perform a KöR whitening treatment. This treatment approach relies on treatment in our office as well as a kit that you use at home. This combination of treatments can give you truly stunning improvements!

What Other Cosmetic Treatment Options Are Available To You?

Through the right cosmetic dental treatment, we can help you show off exciting changes to the way you look. These services respond to more than just discoloration. Through the placement of porcelain veneers, or thorough dental bonding and contouring treatment, we can resolve problems with the shape, size, or alignment of teeth that have hurt the way you look. In some cases, these services can be recommended for discoloration, particularly when discoloration stems from something other than teeth stains.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Teeth Whitening!

Our dentist’s office is prepared to help individuals with significant dental discoloration. To find out more about our KöR whitening treatment, or to explore the benefits of other cosmetic services, please call Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.